Family and Friends Forum

Stay positive

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Member since
September 2019

16 posts

i am posting this tonight hopefully to give you all a bit of hope and support.

I will try to keep my story as brief as possible, but i do this to give u all hope.

4 months and 1 week since we had the knock. They searched us the house and the devices as police says they have evidence something downloaded through our router one day in may.

after search they found nothing , interviewed me and spoke to my husband , took away all our devices, diskd, dvds etc apart from our phones and told us to go have a cuppa and carry on as normal they will be in touch.

i chose to stand by my man, hard as it was deep down i knew i had to believe in him. He is by no means perfect none of us are but in this case he was adament he is innocent . The hardest part is my kids dont understand and are not prepared to forgive ever. Restricted access to my grand kids ,husband no access.

since then life has been hell and last week i was on the edge. If it had not been for support on here my gp and some family , god knows where i would be. Some judge some dont, dont waste time on negatives concentrate on positives. If you can, each night think of one positive to end you day. Mine was , today i managed to eat, today police did not charge him, today i didnt cry, no matter how small think positive.

I think this process is so hard, inhumane and terrifying to say the least and no one deserves this.

I know not everyone is going to be the same but there are no rights or wrongs, dowhat you believe is right.

Today we were so so fortunate, police called and they found nothing therefore NFA.How do we feel? I dont know we have so many emotions we dont know from one min to next what we feel.

What i do know is this has destroyed our family and we will probably never have all the family together again in one room and that hurts as nothing means more to me than family time.

I just want to say to all of you if there is one thing i will strive to do is help peaple in this situation , if there is anything i can do for you please be in touch as i will remain on here.

Remember, its ok not to be ok.

sending love to everyone trying to to their best to stay strong when they cannot talk about whats wrong x

Posted Thu October 10, 2019 10:31pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts


That's such a relief for you but also mixed with so many emotions.

Life will probably never be the same but it can level out, it can get better and maybe the family will heal over time

So pleased for you xx

Posted Thu October 10, 2019 10:40pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Wow what a ride for you however I'm so pleased that it is NFA.

Thank you for continuing to support on this forum. Our situations are so unique that only anybody who has experienced it will understand.

I hope things settle down soon for you within your family and wish you love. X

Posted Fri October 11, 2019 6:39amReport post


Member since
September 2019

100 posts

Vanillapod I am so pleased for you and hope that life starts to get better for you now. X

Posted Fri October 11, 2019 8:08amReport post


Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Thanks for sharing Vanillapod, even though it is a great outcome for you the whole process still leaves you with lots of issues. It is sad that finding nothing has not led to everything being back as it was but the whole process changes you.

I hope in time you can repair relationships with other family members, after all he did nothing wrong.


Posted Tue October 15, 2019 1:14pmReport post

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Hi Vanillapod

so glad it was nfa for you and your partner. Relationships may heal over time - let’s hope so. X

Posted Tue October 15, 2019 2:23pmReport post

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