Family and Friends Forum

In the paper today.

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Member since
July 2022

32 posts

Posted Sat June 15, 2024 9:28amReport post

He was sentenced Wednesday, and it's been published today, big story in the paper - luckily no photos. But our address his name ect.

Any advise is welcome, I honestly just feel sick.

Press attended court remotely.


Member since
June 2024

33 posts

Posted Sat June 15, 2024 1:53pmReport post

Lonely mum

i have no advice for you but feel for you, I too am terrified by the thought of this. I had no idea press could attend Court remotely! How does that work and where do they get their information from.

Take care of yourself x.

Edited Sat June 15, 2024 1:54pm


Member since
September 2023

876 posts

Posted Sat June 15, 2024 9:54pmReport post

Lonelymum, oh how your post resonates with me. The media attended remotely for my sons case too. It was online the same evening and in the paper the following week. Having been called a 'p' in the headline my son felt like he'd never be able to leave the house again. We waited for repercussions for none came. Over the following weeks and months my son gradually increased the places he felt able to go to and now regularly attends the gym, goes shopping and goes out for breakfast and lunch.

You will get through this and in time will be able enjoy life again. Once it's out there there is no more hiding and secrecy so you don't need to worry about people finding out. You will know that the people sat round your table are there knowing your story but still choose to sit in that seat.

The first few days are the worst but once you've been in to your local shop the first time and nothing bad happens, once you've said hello to your neighbours and they've said good morning in return, once you've walked in to work on the first morning and realised that people still treat you the same, you'll gradually forget about the media and will begin focusing on rebuilding your lives.

Wishing you all the best.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2668 posts

Posted Tue June 18, 2024 5:58amReport post

Carnt add much to Ocean's comments it is a foul time, I was distraught when I read what as written about my son, some say he had a smirk on the mugshot, I know his expression was far from that ... gives me pain it's all still out there...

But we are forced to live and move on from these times. And as Ocean points out it gently ebbs away and people do move on and 'forget'.

my thoughts are with you Lonelymum - be strong xxxxx

Edited Tue June 18, 2024 6:13am


Member since
December 2023

256 posts

Posted Tue June 18, 2024 8:34pmReport post

It will get easier I promise you.

Case was in the press and SM twice and there were repercussions.

You have to brave it out. But as has already been said once you have showed your face in different situations it starts to get easier.


Member since
July 2022

485 posts

Posted Wed June 19, 2024 10:53pmReport post

My Oh was in the paper, and on FB. I came off fb but my supervisor in work told me that it was in the local paper. It was also in papers in another area as he was in a position of trust and wokred in a different area. So mutiple papers and loads of entries from google. But I have had no repercussions. A friend of 34 years dropped me as a friend and that is the worst thing that happened to me, and that was not due to the media.
As Ocean has said if people do know and they are still with you then they are true friends.


Member since
July 2022

32 posts

Posted Thu June 20, 2024 8:23pmReport post

Thankyou everyone. Its been a rough week but we got through it.

A few people left, but honestly thats fine with me.

Just holding my babies close and riding the wave I guess.

I started on anti depression meds today so im hoping they help somewhat.

Luckily the local paper is full of crap and nobody reads it.

One day at a time eh. Like it has been this whole time. I feel better today than yesterday, so thats something. Here's to tomorrow.

Edit to add: just wanted to thank you all for this forum. It's wonderful to remember I'm not alone in this.

Edited Thu June 20, 2024 8:26pm


Member since
October 2019

155 posts

Posted Thu June 27, 2024 7:19pmReport post

Lonely mum, I'm glad your days are getting easier xxx

Edited Thu June 27, 2024 7:19pm

Quick exit