Family and Friends Forum

I don’t know what to do!

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Member since
June 2024

22 posts

Back in feb we had a knock on the door around 6.30am. It was plain dressed women asking to speak to my husband. I was then told that he is being arrested for online chat with under age. He was taken away. They searched the car and bedroom and nothing was found. The only device he had was his phone. I never in a million years thought he could do something like this. I picked him up and he was put on bail which was the extended another 2 months. We was told today that he as to come back ti the police station next Tuesday. We rang his solicitor and it said it looked like he's going to be charged. I really didn't think this would happen.

We had SS involved but was told that they would no longer see us. (My husband isn't living with us). I'm scared I'm gonna lose my kids they are aged nearly 18 and 13. Their real dad will want them to live with him and he's already said that this would happen.

what's the process?? From him being maybe charged. I've never been in this situation before. What's the likely outcome? All I know he engaged into a conversation with someone who said they was 21 but then later in the conversation said they was 12. I haven't been told anything else. My head spinning. Any help would be much appreciated

Posted Fri June 21, 2024 5:09pmReport post

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1124 posts


I think your post got a bit lost with the technical issues that happened. You will get more responses in the discussion and support section.

If he is charged then he will get a date for magistrates and then from there they will usually decide to send it to crown because magistrates don't normally deal with these types of offences.

Have ss allowed any contact between your children and your OH? Due to their ages they will have a say on who they want to live with should your ex take you to court. In the case of your oldest it's unlikely that family court would happen before their 18th too. Ss won't go from case closed to removing the children from your care.
Sending you love and strength xxx

Posted Sun June 23, 2024 9:32amReport post


Member since
June 2024

22 posts

Thank u!

he's allowed to have contact with the children as long I'm their. The ss basically said I was good parent so didn't need any courses so they said would close the case. But I presume that they will reopen it again after he's charged. The police rang and they said he wasn't arrested and that they would like to invite him back for an interview. So we rang the solicitors and they said looks like he could be charged.

my son said he doesn't want to go. He's got a such a bond with my OH. He even told SS it's bette than his read dad.

Posted Sun June 23, 2024 9:47amReport post

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