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Is it inevitable??

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Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Posted Thu October 17, 2019 10:40pmReport post

so any day now we’re expecting the letter with the details of the charge and date for court, I’ve been searching local newspapers for similar stories to see how much detail is printed and I’ve terrified myself, I live between two large towns so googled for both areas and lots of stories came up similar to what my husbands charge will be (I’m guessing because we still don’t know the actual charge) the details of the charges, the full name, age and street were printed! I’m so scared now, my husband moved out a year ago following the knock and social services intervention but he’s still local and everyone knows us and our families, is it inevitable the story will be printed? Do I need to pack up now? I’m already looking at rental properties away from the area for me and my daughter, does anyone have any positive stories with regards to the media?

Thanks guys



Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Thu October 17, 2019 11:06pmReport post

Remember courts are very busy places especially in cities and large towns. Not all court rooms will have press in, not all hearings will be put in the paper even if a reporter is in the room. Often it will be local press only, and who reads local papers these days. Social media will be the biggest issue. Keep a plan incase all goes wrong but dont panic too much. My partners was in local news but no one saw it or mentioned it. Reporters are unpredictable, dont scare yourself reading other stories, for every one you read there will be hundreds of cases that never got put in. They sometimes print names, addresses and all the details of the case and sometimes they dont.


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Thu October 17, 2019 11:08pmReport post


In our sons case it was not positive. Name and street and picture were printed. Fortunately we had moved away by the time it went to court but now we are stuck with a member of prison staff from my sons prison living under twenty doors away. I've read some stories about it not being reported in the press but I think it's a bit hit and miss. I think it all just depends on what other cases are in court that week. For instance, the week my son went to court there were no big trials on. Fast forward a month and someone in the prison went to court for a very serious child sex offence and it was not reported in the press. I think it was not reported in the press simply because the press was full of a child murder that week. The press are scum and I mean scum. I understand they have a job to do and that's fair enough but they don't give two twigs about destroying innocent family members life's! We are currently worried about what will happen when our son comes home because of the prison staff me,bet living so close. X


Member since
February 2019

32 posts

Posted Thu October 17, 2019 11:58pmReport post

No. Luck can be involved. Neither of my husband's two court appearances were reported and over a year on, it's never been in the media. He was a teacher. So one would think it would be big news. I don't know how it occurred other than sheer luck which I'm so thankful for but I still find myself waiting for it all to be known and 'come out'. I hate that.


Member since
January 2019

18 posts

Posted Sun October 20, 2019 11:48pmReport post

There was a reporter in my husbands case but as soon as the reporter heard that we had a child he left the court room. I don’t know if that makes a difference. To why ours wasn’t reported. I was so scared as my husband was a driving instructor and taught my neighbors daughter. It horrendous what the families have to deal with.

thoughts a love to you all xx


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Posted Mon October 21, 2019 5:47pmReport post

Thanks JJ

i spoke to our social worker today who is going to ask the leading investigator if she can advise, also my husband has just embarked on a ‘safer lives’ programme who offer advice and support during the legal process so he is going ask them during his next session on Wednesday



Member since
October 2019

18 posts

Posted Tue October 22, 2019 9:23amReport post

The media are terrible Aberdeen guardian is a fcbook page that's full of hatred and media reports of all sorts


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Posted Thu October 24, 2019 8:48amReport post

Unfortunately I dont have anything positive when it comes to the media. We had full name, address, place of work printed at time of arrest, then at his plea, then during his first sentencing (it was deferred for more reports, police, psychologist and social work didn't want a custodial sentence but the judge did so extra reports were done) and a horrible report during his final sentencing. It was in the paper, the radio, national news articles the lot. The media weren't there during his first sentencing but got the reports from the court anyway. Just prepare yourself for the worst, if it's a slow news week anything can happen x


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Posted Tue October 29, 2019 6:06pmReport post

The media dies down. Awful for a day or two but please remember, the next day it becomes old news. And things die down quickly. Be strong and ride it. It is survivable xx


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Tue October 29, 2019 7:03pmReport post

I shall be forever grateful that it wasn't the local police force that dealt with my husbands case as our local paper are awful. Everyone jokes about their terrible reporting quality but still shares the articles all over social media. Thankfully there was no reporter in court on either date and nothing has appeared since. He has finally moved back home and now of course I'm anxious that the local paper will find out and run some story. They found out about someone on the register moving in 2 roads down and ran a story about someone on the SOR moving to the same road as a school with no details as to why they were on the register so of course everyone was jumping to conclusions and the comments on social media were awful.
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