Family and Friends Forum

Plea hearing - seriously?!

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Member since
May 2024

17 posts

So my person went for a plea hearing today. Legal rep had access to full evidence report which basically said there was no searches, no intent, no chats etc. Basically normal film torrent was downloaded and within that there was 4 images (but upped to 9 as one image was duplicated 5 times). You wouldn't have known it was anything illegal by the file name and they proved my person had never accessed it.

Anyway, they want to go with 5 years SOR and 10 year SHPO. Is that completely bonkers? We've had 2 years of absolute hell; SS involvement, loss of job, nearly loss of house, waiting for police, then they want to slap a further 10 year full restriction order on him. Is this normal? Does anyone have experience with such low numbers and none of the triggers met? I'm literally losing my mind!

Posted Mon July 8, 2024 10:10amReport post


Member since
March 2022

454 posts

Time on the SOR and length of the SHPO should always be the same. The most likely outcomes for these offences are either community sentence and 5 years SOR/SHPO, or suspended sentence and 10 years SOR/SHPO.

That's assuming a guilty plea. If he goes not guilty, then the sentence could be more, although still unlikely to be more than 10 years SOR/SHPO.

Posted Mon July 8, 2024 11:03amReport post

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