Family and Friends Forum

Why didn't the police take all equipment

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Member since
October 2018

99 posts

I am a little confused.

The police came 4 weeks ago and took my husband for a chat and he was classed as a VA. They had a warrant and searched my house for phones, laptops etc. They didn't take all of the equipment that was available to them and was obviously viewable. Such as my daughter mac book and ipad, they took 1 of my younger girls ipods but not the other (but they were side by side) they left 2 other tablets an xbox (but took the PS4 which they have agreed to give back without looking at) and left 6 memory cards that were scattered around the house but were easily seen. I do not have a list of what was taken and I didn't stay whilst they were doing it but I do know what they left and I am baffled. Surely they should have taken it all to investigate thoroughly?

Posted Wed October 31, 2018 9:38pm
Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 9:31pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

2 posts

When they came to our house they took my husband to the Police Station to be questioned while they searched.

They asked which computers and phones he used and took those. They weren't interested in his tablet, or my laptop and phone. I assumed they were sure it was just him? I don't really know.

It's an awful time, thinking of you.


Posted Wed October 31, 2018 10:39pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Thanks Liz.

They took him to the station as a VA after the searched the house. They did what I would call a thorough search. His Mum was here and told me they had been in the shed, the loft, all the rooms and the house was an absolute mess so I could see where they had been so it wasn't like they just wanted his phone. They took my works PC (which by the way they wiped the bloody hard drive!!) but left so much other stuff that could have incriminating stuff on it. I am sure it doesn't but I feel like they've done half a job.

Does anyone know why they would have seized his passport too if he wasn't arrested and had no conditions apart from having supervised access to the kids?

Posted Thu November 1, 2018 9:45amReport post


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Hi klk

the same happened to us, they look through my photos on my iPad but not my phone, they took his laptop, iPad and phone but left 2 hard drives, I had an old broken laptop on the table which they took my word for (I wasn’t lying it was broken) they tried to look at my daughters iPad but I didn’t know the password so they didn’t bother and they left 2 old iPads in the cupboard without even checking them! I too felt it was a half hearted job which gives me false hope that theyre not too concerned! I’m still preying they don’t find anything else incriminating on the devices they’ve got :(


Posted Thu November 1, 2018 2:44pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts


Thank you for contributing to the forum, we hope that it is a valuable space for you to gain support and support others.

In regards to your query, often individuals might not be arrested for these types of offences because of changes to the law and how long Police are allowed to keep individuals on bail. Therefore most people are kept under investigation for the duration of their involvement with the police. That being said, they may still do certain things, such as asking your partner to surrender his passport to them if they believe he may be a flight risk.

If you have some confusion about why the police may have taken your partner’s passport, then I would contact his investigating officer to ask for information about why they may have done this. This may then put your mind at rest with the reasons behind this.

You might also find it helpful to visit where they have lots of information about how the process might work, and what you might expect in this situation.

I hope this has been helpful.


Posted Fri November 2, 2018 11:21amReport post


Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Hi Lucy,

Thank you for your reply and the Stop it Now's constant non-judgemental support. I hope you guys know how much of a difference you make to people like myself and to my Husband. I wish you were more widely known about, it could help so many people before they offend.

I have called the Police today and they didn't realise they have seized his passport so will return it to him on Monday. It's not that he needs it but I was curious.

Thank you for the link, I will take a look later.

Have a great weekend.

Posted Fri November 2, 2018 11:33amReport post

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