Family and Friends Forum

My Friday check in xx

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Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2371 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 3:48pmReport post

Afternoon lovlies x

We are here again already!

I have managed to catch up on the forum and find it incredibly sad how many new posts there are, so many emotions and my heart really does go out to each and everyone of you especially you incredible amazing mums who have younger children, having to deal with so much and with school holidays also it must be so difficult, x

Dawn I hope you and OH and girls are coping ok, xx

My week has been ok, we are all doing ok, spoke to HC for an hour last night, and I have a vist Sunday morning, I get to send a clothes parcel in next month ( cant believe we are almost in August) he has a video call next week with his sister , he told her what clothes he is looking for, so she has put items in to a shopping cart and will be able to show him on the call, she will order, I will pay then once delivered wash, iron and post in for him, at least the clothes will smell nice, he loves the smell of fresh air dried clothes (simple things I take for granted)

Even though it's been a tough week on here I hope the weekend will bring some peaceful time to you all

Love sent as always xx


Member since
May 2024

43 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 4:13pmReport post

Hello Friday Check in,

Today is exactly one year since the knock for me. It has been a hard day reflecting on the past year. The shock when my husbands secret came out (possession of images/videos), the arrest, social services being in my life, a suicide attempt and subsequent hospitalization, the trickle truths, finding this forum, finding out all the other ways my husband was acting out (chatting with other adult men), my husband entering a twelve step program, my husband entering counselling, me and my children going into family counselling, being dumped by my friends, me joining a 12 step program for family members, meeting a local women in the same position as me.

I'm exhausted. But I keep putting one foot in front of the other. For my kids. Because what other choice do I have?

Upset - I could smell the laundry when you described it. I picture your HC putting his face deep into his new clothes, taking a deep breath, and knowing how much you love him.


Member since
June 2023

135 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 4:28pmReport post

Thank you Upset. Hope you are well. It is sad reading of new people joining this forum.

Me and our daughters are coping well, but not so sure about my OH. He tends to bury his head in the side, but this time he can't. It was left to me to tell our youngest daughter when I gave her a lift to her drama class on Monday, as she wasn't talking to him at the time. I thought he might have told our other daughter when he was over at her house on Tuesday sorting his garden out, but he didn't. She found out what happened at court on Wednesday when I was talking to my friends at knitting club (they have been brilliant and given me someone to talk to without judgement), and my daughter was getting a bit worried thinking her dad was going to jail. So it was left up to me again to put her mind at rest.

I'm trying to get my OH to contact his solicitor as he had different advice from 2 separate solicitors (even though they work for the same firm), but he doesn't want to even though the judge wants him to admit to something that isn't true (that he's attracted to children). I think he just wants it over, but at what cost.

After a very busy week at work, I have broke up for the summer holidays. I am just going into work on 19 August to make up having Monday off work, but it'll give me a jump start on sorting out the registers and new pupils for September. I'm looking forward to a break and days out, and sorting the garden out. And I think my OH is looking forward to being at home. It has been difficult to find something to do while I'm at work and our daughter is at home.

I met an old friend for a coffee at Costa on Tuesday that I have only just reconnected with. She doesn't know what is happening at the moment and I'm sure how she would react. It was nice to get together though and talk about other things.

We've had an exciting time moving our daughter's axolotl and the huge fish tank from her ex-boyfriend's house to her house. It took longer than expected as her ex's brother ended up dropping the fish tank on his foot and broke it (the fish tank, not his foot), so my daughter had to nip to Pets around Home to get another one.

Edited Fri July 26, 2024 5:46pm


Member since
September 2023

729 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 4:59pmReport post

Good afternoon Friday check in,

I too am saddened by the number of new people joining us on here. Each time I read a post from someone at the start of their journey I find myself remembering how awful those early days, weeks and months are.

To give some reassurance and hope to anyone starting out on their journey, I'm now post sentencing and have gone from being barely able to swallow and breath and thinking I'd never smile again, to being able to laugh, to enjoy the sounds and smells of the beach, to find peace in walking in nature and to being able to spend time living in the moment. You might not believe it at the moment but one day you too will be able to smile again and find enjoyment in the things which currently seem impossible.

As far as my week is concerned, I'm simply going to say that my son joined a group of 9 other men this week (8 of them strangers) and played 5 aside football. Oh how my heart sang.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2509 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 5:06pmReport post

Hi lovely ladies.

Yes Upset so many new people on the forum which I'm sure we find very alarming and upsetting. I just pray we can help them in some sort of way. My heart reaches out to our newcomers x

im ok and overall had a good week - been to a couple of school events with the grandchildren. I so love watching these events - am so proud of the lovely people they are.

But the memories kick in and I remember going through the various stages with myown children and feel sad how our lives dramatically changed. But I then look round at all the other parents, wondering what secrets and pain they hold in their life. Big girl pants I think, Upset!!!!!!!!

All good with the boy....... Hope you find chill time over the weekend. Hug to all x

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2371 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 5:54pmReport post

Prairie x

The anniversarys are the worst arnt they x

Sending hugs x

Look at how far you have come as hard as it is one step at a time, a day at a time, we dont give up as much as sometimes we want to BUT we find the inner strength to keep us going

We are all here for each other xx

Edited Fri July 26, 2024 5:56pm

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2371 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 6:07pmReport post

Dawn x

So pleased you are all doing ok x

That's the biggest issue for men talking full stop! about there emotions

I don't understand the comments by the judge, this journey is not black or white,

Glad you have finished for the summer holidays apart from one day but remember to find some time for you x

It's nice just been able to meet up with someone for a coffee , switch of for just a little while x

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2371 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 6:15pmReport post

Ocean x

Oh my heart just melted and I can just imagine how you are feeling right now,

After your worry last week on him becoming withdrawn to know he is trying to rebuild is just amazing, it gives me so much hope for my son xx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2371 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 6:20pmReport post

Smile x

Our big pants are amazing arnt they :-) xx

So pleased you have had a lovely time with the grandchildren, never look back just considerate on the now xx


Member since
October 2022

597 posts

Posted Fri July 26, 2024 7:04pmReport post

Upset! Love that you'll wash all his clothes. That's the most lovely mum thing ever.

ocean, so delighted to hear your son has a social life!! My heart sings for you.

i hope everyone's kids are chilling for the summer holidays and have given you at least half an hour without asking for a snack

hapoy Friday all


Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

969 posts

Posted Sat July 27, 2024 1:29pmReport post

Washing all HC's clothes so he can enjoy that freshness is definitely a mom thing. I love the thought of him smelling them and feeling that love.

The holidays, the never ending snack requests and need for little miss to be constantly doing something which is usually outside, messy, water play or all of the above is wearing me out.

I'm doing a lot of reflection as we approach 4 years since the knock. So much more to be grateful for than I could have ever imagined. I may do a post around the anniversary to give hope to those who aren't as far into the journey. As always sending you all so much love and strength xxx


Member since
July 2022

434 posts

Posted Sat July 27, 2024 3:01pmReport post

Hello Friday check in....sorry i am late

My week has been ok. Last weekend and some of this week i have been feeling quite low. I have never had the greatest self esteem but this journey has knocked it even further. I love dancing and at the class some one who has not been going long has been asked to help out teaching other people. This knocked me back, silly i know, as it made me feel like i was obviously rubbish as she did not ask me. But i told myself off, that i was giving the power to the teacher over how i feel. I think i am good, so that is the only opinion that matters. And why i am allowing someone else make me feel bad? ( the class teacher is a lovely lady so do not think it is in any way malicious) I am saying this as i am trying to apply this philosophy to this situation. Why do i allow people to make me feel bad about decisions i make. Why do i give the power of my feelings to a third party. One of my favourite films is The Holiday, and those that know the film the scene in the restaurant with Arthur Abbot and Iris are having dinner, and Arthur says to Iris, something like, you should be the leading lady in your life, and not the support act ( she was in love with a man marrying some one else). This has stuck with me. So hoping this coming this week, at some point it would be nice for everyone to do something to make you feel like the leading person in your life. Ie do something for you....


Member since
July 2022

554 posts

Posted Sat July 27, 2024 5:19pmReport post

Hello everyone

I too have been saddened by some of the posts this week and the number of new people joining the forum - if you are new here please remember you are not alone there are amazing people here and we are all with you xx

Upset I love that you wash the HC clothes for him that must mean so much to him.

Smile the big girl pants are so useful aren't they ?- I think mine are Bridget Jones size !!!

Ocean my heart is bursting with Pat the news about your son it is fantastic xx

Been a very busy week here I managed a day in London visiting eldest child which was lovely

Son is doing well and he has lots of things booked that he's looking forward to over the next few months.

Love and strength to all of you XXX