Family and Friends Forum

Charge Sheet

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Confused & Scared

Member since
July 2024

2 posts

Posted Tue July 30, 2024 4:14pmReport post

Hello, first time posting here and feeling a bit lost.

I found my partners charge sheet and not sure what he has told me is the truth.

There are charges for possession of Images in both Cat A & B. However some charges say he made indecent photos and another one of moving images of a child.

I know he had no access to children to make images!

We don't have children, live miles away from family (who also don't have kids) and relatively new to our area so don't really socialise much.

Does it actually mean what is reads, that he has made images or is it a way of saying something else?

Sorry, hope that makes sense.
I am probably being very naive but it doesn't make sense.


Member since
October 2023

77 posts

Posted Tue July 30, 2024 9:15pmReport post

Making means making copies. So can be a saved file. It doesn't mean creating new content, as that is producing.

There are some good descriptions relating to this in relation to Huw Edwards in the newspaper this week. Moving images is essentially video or GIFs.

Confused & Scared

Member since
July 2024

2 posts

Posted Tue July 30, 2024 10:05pmReport post

Thank you Buckets, I feel a little bit better.

Molly dog

Member since
October 2023

57 posts

Posted Fri August 2, 2024 10:25pmReport post

Hi confused my husband has also had charges of making 5 cat a

1cat b and 5 cat c

He was on kik chat and images were put in chat he didn't ask for these images but as they were in the chat that he was in he was arrested . He has spoken to his solicitor and they have advised making is the same as possession it doesn't actually mean he has made any it's just the terms they use I hope this helps . X

Molly dog

Member since
October 2023

57 posts

Posted Fri August 2, 2024 10:25pmReport post

Hi confused my husband has also had charges of making 5 cat a

1cat b and 5 cat c

He was on kik chat and images were put in chat he didn't ask for these images but as they were in the chat that he was in he was arrested . He has spoken to his solicitor and they have advised making is the same as possession it doesn't actually mean he has made any it's just the terms they use I hope this helps . X