Family and Friends Forum

DBS information

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Member since
October 2019

33 posts

if i withdraw DBS application because they want to disclose third party information, will this affect any existing DBS certificates?

thank you

Posted Sat October 26, 2019 3:23pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts


There should be no 3rd party information come up on your DBS, it all changed a while ago now, so unless you are the one with the record or won't show, not even on an enhanced DBS


Posted Sat October 26, 2019 9:16pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Thank you, my life is in ruins i dont know where to turn to.... my partner was convicted for indecent images and extreme porn early this year.... the investigation was going on since 2017, last hear i had a DBS clear and CPS told me i did not have to tell my employer as it was not me under investigation, so i didnt. A few months back i applied for another job and was successful and a new DBS has been requested, i have had a letter for the police that they are going to to diclose this information, however i can make a representation to put my views to them, i can also withdrawn the application for DBS. My dilema is if i withdraw will they amend my current DBS. Please please can anyone give me any advice, i feel i am going to end up with a nervous braekdown, i need to work, im in my 60s and fear i may not be able to get another job......

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 4:32pmReport post


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April 2019

11 posts

That sounds so distressing and something that I fear will happen to me in the future. I think there are some lawyers who can advise on representations in these situations. I think a lot depends on the role you do. What kind of job do you have? Is it with children?

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 6:26pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts


i feel for you as what i am going through i wouldnt wish it on my worst work is through the NHS working with 5- 19yr olds. I am comtemplating doing my own representation reply as i cant afford to pay for solicitor. I am Torn between declining the new job and hence the DBS appplication will be withdrawn. On the other hand i do feel i need to do the representation to get it sorted as my partner's risk assessment by probation and police have placed him a low risk for contacr offending. I have had an unblemished career, if anyone found out it will completely destroy me and i would seriouly contemplate suicide..... i have done nothing wrong, wy should i have to giveup a career i have worked so hard to build.... my partner has been honest, he had taken full responsiblity for his actions and is working with agencies, we dont have children in our home.... i dont know what do..????????????????????

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 6:39pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

91 posts


Sorry that you are in this situation. I totally understand your distress and anxiety.
I work in the NHS and also have a number of voluntary roles with YP. When the knock first came I was referred to the LADO at the local authority. She told me that I did not need to disclose to my employer. I could also continue with my voluntary work as I was never alone with young people. In my NHS role I do not have direct contact with children.

I am also worried about what will show on a DBS, but as Tracey has said they can't punish you for a crime you haven't committed. I suspect you need to make representation and also remember that you get the DBS not the employer.

I don't know if you are in a union but that may be a way of getting some legal advice alternatively you could find a solicitor who gives the first 30 mins free.

I understand your worry but please try not to panic we are here for you.

Cornish Tea xx

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 8:18pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Cornish thank you for your very reassuring and king words. On the unforgettable day of the knock i told the Investigating officer that i worked with children and young people, she them LADO and they said it didnt need to be reported to them. I work directly with children and young people, however only in the school, clinic or thier home settings. I have gone through the police QAF for DBS disclosures and do feel that i do not meet their test for third party information disclosure which states it would be necessary to disclose if i was caring of children in my own home such as fostering or child minding. I am going to put in a representation. Do you think it will be wise to speak to the new recruiting manager to make her aware of what is happening as i want to be upfront and honest or should i just decline the conditional offer? I have never condoned, sympathised or ever said its not your fault to my partner, he knows he has done wrong and i am paying the price for his behavior???????????????????? he is stressed and worried as to what will happen, how will i cope id disclosures go ahead... how i wish i could turn the clock back to when we had a happy life... this social media facebook, whatsapp etc are the biggest evils of today's society, people like my partner who really isnt that IT litterate get sucked into their groups thinking no one will know as they are in the saftey of thier own homes...i just want to crawl under a rock and die......

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 9:20pmReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

Fair and lovely, I'm so sorry you're in this situation. Have the police given you any reasoning as to why they wish to disclose? I'd definitely recommend you try to speak to the stop it now helpline tomorrow for their input - they have dealt with so many situations and are very knowledgable. The citizens advice bureau may also been a good resource and is a charity which specialises in supporting offenders and their families; others have found them incredibly useful, informative and supportive.
I know you want to be up front and honest, but I'd say to speak to these resources before putting yourself in a situation where you may need to justify yourself unnecessarily xx

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 9:56pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi fairandlovely

I would leave the job to go through at the moment and take the good advice from Jayne and get advice, could you ask the police why they feel is important and necessary to make a disclosure now but not before.

Just try to take thinks a day at a time or if that's too much a hour at a time, please don't do anything hasty.

Try and get to see your GP as soon as possible and just tell them how you're feeling so they can help you also.

We're all here for you and although it's from a distance we will do what we can.

If you want to go on to Mumsnet my user name is TB14, I'm happy to give you my number in there so we can speak

Please look after yourself xx

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 10:11pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

21 posts

Hi Fair,

I’m so sorry you’re here too. Please try take it an hour at a time, talk to your gp ASAP that really helped me to get on the right path. Please also do call stopitnow or unlock they’re really helpful and knowledgeable.

we’re all here for you xx

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 10:22pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Jayne, Lee, Tracy, Frazzled thank you all for your advice and support, i feel very overwhelmed with the support. I contacted Unlock today and they were brilliant, gave me invaluable advice, I am going to do the representations, i feel more positive with all your support and kind words. I will keep you posted of the outcome


Posted Mon October 28, 2019 7:34pmReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

I'm glad you got some support, fair and lovely. Sometimes it just helps to talk with someone who "gets it". If you haven't already, do look at the thread on here titled "meeting up"; a number of us have connected via mumsnet and are in regular contact, and it really does make a huge difference having a support network on hand so readily xx

Posted Mon October 28, 2019 9:32pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Hello everyone i sent in my representations in on Wednesday and i have had my DBS issued today with 'no information' on the certificate, i want to thank each and everyone of you for your advice and support I can breathe again! I will remain an active member her on the forum and aim to help anyone i can, i will also be making a donation as i think this is such a useful cause.I had felt my life and career was going to come to an ubrupt end, i could see the woods from the trees until i came here last week, i cant thank everyone enough, May God bless you all and may your lives have goos outcomes. Stay happy and blesses always, thank you again, big hugs to you all

Posted Fri November 1, 2019 6:10pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

21 posts

Hi fair,

i am so glad that you got back a no information dbs! It’s so good to reach out to get information - it’s hard to know where to even look when you’re in this situation. Keep giving us a shout, hope it all goes well! Xx

Posted Fri November 1, 2019 6:17pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Thank you Frazzled, i couldnt have done it without the sound advice and support from you guys, i was ready to go in on Monday gone to hand in my notice and ask for immediate release! I will be sure to check in and help in anyway i can


Posted Fri November 1, 2019 6:21pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

I am so pleased for you.

Posted Fri November 1, 2019 7:35pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Hi Fair and Lovely. Can I ask if you are living with your partner?

Thanks x

Posted Sat November 2, 2019 9:07amReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Thank you mjl73

Rainbow, yes i am living with my partner xx

Posted Sat November 2, 2019 7:58pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Thanks fair and lovely. I just wondered as if you weren't living together then nothing would show about partners. Well at least I hope not lol x

Posted Sun November 3, 2019 6:35pmReport post

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