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New neighbour found press article

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Member since
June 2020

21 posts

Posted Sun August 4, 2024 12:27amReport post


It's been several years since my soon-to-be-ex husband was arrested and went to prison (sting op for online sexual communication with a child).

Although the case ran in the press, no neighbours mentioned it and life went on. He lives elsewhere and visits to see his child.

An unrelated property and noise dispute with a neighbour has lead to them learning our names (he's still an owner in the property) and they've found the article. The police got in touch with us to advise neighbour then made a subject access request under Sarah's Law. Police said they'd denied the request but the neighbour threatened (to my face on my doorstep) to tell the whole street as they 'deserve to know'. Whole thing was caught on doorcam. Days later, doorcam caught him shouting over to two door-to-door sellers about to call at my house to not bother as 'there's a convicted paedo' at the address. My son is only young and so far oblivious.

I feel this is not only harassment - ex-husband doesn't live here, but myself and young son do, so it could endanger us, but spreading this information wilfully with intent to cause harm is malicious communication. Do I have a case to pursue against him? I'm calling the police tomorrow to ask them to follow up with the neighbour.
Has anyone gone through this and were you able to take action? I'm more than happy to take him to court.


Member since
December 2023

118 posts

Posted Sun August 4, 2024 11:08amReport post

I would say yes you've grounds to stand on especially if your husband doest reside at the address then yes the neighbours intent could harm you and your child so definitely call the police I'm sure they will pay thr neighbour a visit maybe explain a few things to them x


Member since
August 2023

62 posts

Posted Wed August 7, 2024 7:05amReport post


This is harassment so please ensure you follow up with the police. I've had a few run ins with my neighbours after media exposure and the police are generally very supportive. I've also got brilliant neighbours who look out for me and treat me no differently.

Your neighbour sounds like a bully and even if they did tell everyone I suspect the majority will treat you no differently. You and your son have done nothing wrong and there is nothing to gain from trying to expose you. It's just bullying tactics and they are pathetic low life's.

Edited Wed August 7, 2024 7:06am


Member since
April 2024

520 posts

Posted Wed October 23, 2024 11:08amReport post

This is definitely harassment because this idiot is clearly hell bent on dragging you into this when you are completely innocent. This is so unfair. X

Northern Rose

Member since
September 2020

3 posts

Posted Wed October 30, 2024 6:27pmReport post

My address was published as it was where he was arrested although not his address. My next door neighbour had a go at me in the street accusing me of harbouring a paedophile. I reported her to the police who agreed to talk her and tell her to have no contact with me.

Since then other neighbours have cut me dead in the street which is upsetting but at least they don't abuse me publicly. Other neighbours have treated me just the same as before.

It's hard but there are some narrow minded nasty people who can't understand that you are a victim too and your life has been turned upside down by someone else's actions. Genuine people will be understanding and treat you the same as before
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