Family and Friends Forum

Help with police terms

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Member since
October 2019

14 posts

Does anyone know what a SOPO is and how it works please? Husband has not been charged despite there being tons of evidence, however a mention of the Police and SS working towards a SOPO. No one has explained what this is to me.

Also, now that he is not being charged SS have kept the recommendation of 6 hours of supervised contact. His family and him are pushing for him to return home. Does anyone have any experience of what SS do next? A risk assessment was mentioned but haven't heard anymore.

Thank you for any help you can give.

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 7:45amReport post


Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Hi Sparkle,

Has your husband received a caution instead of being charged? You can be cautioned and also asked to sign the sex offenders register or be given a protection order. Am surprised they are not charging him if there is a lot of evidence. I guess be grateful for small mercies really. However children's services will still be involved especially if there is a SOPO in place, plus the police may also ask to see devices etc to ensure compliance but that depends on what the behaviour was eg if it was phone related.

Cornish Tea x

Posted Sun October 27, 2019 8:27pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

14 posts

Thank you for your replies. Still feel confused about it all. He hasn't gone to court and the letter came the other week to say not enough evidence. However, given the situation I fully understand that ss are remaining involved. Everyone is in shock that the case is not going to court.

He isn't living at home but is pushing to return and his family are applying pressure to me. It's almost like now he's not being charged it never happened. Although the evidence is alarming. Somehow in amongst all of this it's been turned around and twisted to being my fault.

Feel so very stuck and fearful. Comments yesterday about him fighting for the kids were made that would truly break my heart. Hard to know what to do next for the best.

Posted Mon October 28, 2019 5:31amReport post


Member since
February 2019

32 posts

You need time sparkle. So sorry to hear things are being twisted. This is not your fault no matter how people wish to turn things about. You find yourself in yet again another unexpected situation. Maybe there should be relief but it all sounds so confusing and it doesn't undo what you have been through so far. If other people are applying pressure, try not to put yourself under more pressure to make decisions to suit them. Now is the time to think of yourself. Take time and try not to rush xxx

Posted Tue October 29, 2019 10:18pmReport post

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