Family and Friends Forum

Search warrant executed and devices taken but person not arrested

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August 2024

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Posted Wed August 14, 2024 8:09am
Edited Wed September 11, 2024 9:53pmReport post


Member since
June 2024

180 posts

Welcome to the club nobody wants to be in. I would ring the LFF helpline and someone more experienced will be able to help you through the early days.

It sounds like your person is currently under investigation, this is an early part of the process and unfortunately it's not a quick one. If you search the other areas in the forum -the legal process etc you'll get an idea of how long each part of the process takes. If you look up the forensics process this is what they refer to when looking through devices. They'll look for any deleted files, hidden folders, search history etc. This can take some time and there is a often a backlog.

Did they leave you any leaflets about the process or an officer in charge's card with their details so you can contact them for any updates?

Posted Wed August 14, 2024 10:06pmReport post


Member since
April 2023

514 posts

Hi tornasunder, Mum of an adult offender here!

Firstly welcome and I'm sure that most of us reading your post remember feeling exactly as you do at the moment - all the panic, the fears and that hopeless feeling. I can promise you that the acuteness of it all does become more manageable as time passes. The fears are still there and it doesn't take much for them to clamour for your attention but they aren't nearly as all-consuming as they feel at the moment. Sadly, and as you have probably realised, this is a long and drawn out nightmare to navigate with no quick resolution but this forum can be a life saver when it all feels too much to bear. Many of us are happy to message privately if that's better for you and the forum itself is a goldmine of information.

Your solicitor can only give you a guesstimate about an outcome as it will depend on the judge presiding on the day in court, when it comes, although of course they have past experiences to go on so are trustworthy, but if the police tell you anything at all please take that with a pinch of salt. Many of us have been very disillusioned by the police's tendency to say whatever will get them what they need to prosecute successfully. That sounds extreme and I'm sure there are excellent officers (my husband was one before he retired) but a quick scroll through these forums tells another story unfortunately.

As for a custodial sentence, there are others who post here regularly whose person is in prison, likewise those who have dealt with fallout from the media reports, and I'm sure they will post soon with reassurance and advice for you. I'm not one of them (yet!) but I know that these types of offence are kept well away from the general prison population, either on a separate wing or in a specialist prison for sex offenders. I also know that prison life is nothing like the way we see it portrayed on TV in dramas.

Just a short intro to say hello, and hopefully stress that we are all here for you. You don't have to journey on your own. Big hug.

Posted Thu August 15, 2024 10:10am
Edited Thu August 15, 2024 10:12amReport post


Member since
July 2024

25 posts

My person is currently in prison and has been treated very fairly. They have special wings for people convicted of child sex offences, and they are kept separate from the 'mains' prisoners. Please try not to

worry. My first few days/ weeks were spent spiralling about worst case scenarios (I've also been down the 'I must move house' road, been petrified of the media etc) but as time has gone on and I've learnt more/ had more time to process, I've realised that I have time to think about it all and make decisions as I get more information. If you haven't even had an arrest then you have lots of time to get advice and decide what to do.

From my understanding (from my experience and from seeing others on here), the process seems to be; investigation- arrest- charges- magistrates court- crown court plea hearing- sentencing. There are weeks if not months (years in some cases) between each of these steps

Posted Sat August 17, 2024 11:06pmReport post


Member since
April 2024

529 posts

Hi, I'm sorry you find yourself here. My ex was remanded so his case is different to the one you describe. I just wanted to let you know that custodial sentences do happen for a first offence, even if it's a first offence and the person is of extremely good character. That's what happened to my ex, he got 3 years for IIOC. All the best to you. X

Posted Wed August 21, 2024 2:21pmReport post

Quick exit