Family and Friends Forum

Pressure from family

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Member since
May 2019

48 posts


So yyesterdaymy ex was sentenced. I have been off work since the night of the knock. (6 months) im very lucky with my employer they are very understanding. I have decided im going to return and they have said to take a couole more weeks to just be a bit more at rest in my mind before i return. However i have spoken to some family who know the whole situation and they disagree with me. My boys do have additional needs and i will be leaving them with my eldests dad. They dont understand how i can leave my kids overnigh ( i will be working 1 nightshift a week). They think its the wrong decision and basically that i shouldnt go back. Now i understand they are concerned i do but they dont deem to get that i need some normality back in my life. And also work is pretty much the only break i get from my kids and time to me instead of just a mum. I feel saddened that they feel this way i dont want to row with them over it because they have helped me so much theought he whole process suppotting me. I dont know how to tell them firmly that basically i get what they say but they are wrong? Has anyone else felt like this about family or friends? Xx

Posted Fri November 1, 2019 5:41pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

33 posts

Hi Becky it is thoughtful of them to be concerned but you really have to do what you feel is right. I do agree that you need to get some normality and move on in your life. Its essential that your own emotional health and wellbeing is a 100% otheriwsise it will impact on your children. Wishing you all the best


Posted Fri November 1, 2019 6:15pmReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

Becky, only you can know what is right for you. So long as you know what you want, stick to that and explain to people that, whilst you appreciate their concern, this is the decision you've made and that you feel is best, so you'd like them to respect that.
You need to do what is right for you and I absolutely understand about work - some routine and normality (and money!) goes a long way to helping me cope xx

Posted Fri November 1, 2019 8:06pmReport post

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