Family and Friends Forum

Can a probation officer reduce sentence?

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Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Just wondered if this was possible and if anyone has done it?

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 4:34pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Hi Rainbow,

Not sure a probation officer can reduce a sentence, but a probation officer will quite often do a pre sentence report. This report is sometimes read and taken into account but not always, depends on judge. I'm far from an expert though, so not sure if they have any further powers with regard to sentencing outcomes.

Posted Wed November 6, 2019 11:29pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hi Rainbow...

I'm not an expert either, what l can say with certainty is they will write a report and suggest a suitable punishment ie Prison, Community Order, Attendance on a Sexual Offenders Course etc The judge will read the report and make his/her own decisions taking into account what was found etc. Any class A images breach the custodial guidelines issued by the ministry of justice. However this does not mean prison for everyone. My partners probation officer wrote down very low risk suitable for Community Order. Judge disagreed and sentenced him to 12 months in prison suspended for 2 years with a 10 year SOR and SHPO.

Posted Thu November 7, 2019 1:55pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Hi sorry I meant after they have received their sentence. For example my husband has a 3 year community order. If all is going well can probation write to court to suggest reducing it? Like when people are sentenced to prison they often only do half the sentence.


Posted Mon December 2, 2019 5:33pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts


I would very much doubt they would be able to do that, it's certainly nothing I've ever heard of before.

Might be with asking the probation service


Posted Mon December 2, 2019 11:54pmReport post

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