Family and Friends Forum


Member since
August 2019

41 posts

Posted Mon November 4, 2019 9:37pmReport post

Hi all, it's been 11 weeks since I saw indecent images of 8-12 year old girls on my husbands phone. He deleted the images. He was arrested and released pending further investigation and his devices were sent to a forensics laboratory to retrieve the images. I got a call from the CID this evening to say they have found nothing on his computers or phones. I said 'but I saw the images'. They replied the lab found nothing but there will be a meeting in 3 weeks and the devices will be checked again. How can they find nothing when I saw the disgusting images with my own eyes! It's looking like he is going to get away with it. I'm devastated. 11 weeks of hell and he isn't getting so much as a slap on the wrist. How can this happen?


Member since
August 2019

41 posts

Posted Wed November 6, 2019 10:44amReport post

Thank you poster. I was told the labs could retrieve anything that has been deleted on any devices so I just can't get my head around why they haven't been able to find the dozens upon dozens of vile images that I saw. I feel like I'm back to square one. After all the hurt and shock my husband has put me through he is going to get away with committing a heinous crime. It's like they've sent the message to my husband that he can continue to do the same thing and not be punished for it. I'm in pieces all over again. I'm struggling to even function.

Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 1:22pm


Member since
August 2019

41 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2019 1:12pmReport post

Hi all,

I spoke to the CID again on Monday (25th) and they told me after a second search of my husbands devices, they have still found nothing! The detective in charge of the case told me he has to make an appointment to go to headquarters next week and look at the devices himself (just in case the lab missed anything). I asked how, after a forensics laboratory had searched the devices twice and found nothing, did he expect to find anything himself? Surely there is no chance the lab missed anything after TWO searches? He agreed with me. It's really just a formality and the likely outcome is going to be NFA.

I told my husband I'd spoken to the police and he asked me what they said. I replied, never mind what they said, I want to hear the truth from you?! I tricked him. He thought the police had found the deleted pictures and possibly more. He admitted that he lied about the pictures of the 8-12 yr olds breasts, that he SWORE on mine and his mothers life that he had only looked at for 1 second before shutting in down in disbelief and then got up a second time for 2 seconds (to confirm it was what he thought it was). Turns out he was searching for teenage porn and saw the suggestion for it so clicked on it and had a good look for an amount of minutes before shutting it down because I came into the room. He got it back up when I left the room and continued looking at the pictures for another amount of minutes. He told me he was only interested in the 'big boobs' and hadn't looked at the little ones! I pointed out that the girls were 8-12 yrs old and he was 'interested'! He also admitted to watching it a number of times!! I'm destroyed.

Edited by moderator Fri November 29, 2019 11:10am


Member since
August 2019

41 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2019 1:19pmReport post

How can this man get away with this?! Where is the justice? All that this tells my husband is that he can look at illegal child pornography online whenever he wants and get away with it. I'm so disgusted and distressed.

Edited by moderator Fri November 29, 2019 11:01am


Member since
July 2019

37 posts

Posted Fri November 29, 2019 1:30pmReport post


I'm so sorry. It makes no sense!! I thought forensics could find literally everything! Did he have an iPhone by any chance? He may have had time to do full deletion between when you reported him and the police seizing his devices :(


Member since
August 2019

41 posts

Posted Fri November 29, 2019 2:50pmReport post

Hi WorriedMum

yes he did have an iPhone but the police still said the forensics lab would be able to find any deleted data. I'm beginning to suspect my husband swapped his phone for the same model and put his SIM in the new one. Even the police said it's possible. It took them 3 days to arrest him and during those 3 days I'd kicked my husband out.