Family and Friends Forum

Social Services

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Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Posted Fri November 2, 2018 9:16amReport post

So just when I thought I had got lucky with my Social Worker it's turned bad.

My Husband moved 300 miles away to stay with his parents when it all happened, it wasn't a condition set on him, it was purely to give me space. the kids have missed him terribly so he came back last week and is living in temporary accommodation. The kids have been seeing him (supervised by myself or his 21 year old Daughter) and now social services are escalating it from a section 17 to a section 47. They say she isn't someone who can supervise sufficiently (even though they were told she would be and okayed it) and think I am now not taking what has happened seriously by letting him have contact. They have advised unless he moves away again, they will have to do a protection plan on the kids under section 47 which I find ridiculous. So my question is, can they legally make him move away again? He has a job which helps support me and the children which unless he really has to, doesn't want to give up.

Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 9:30pm