Family and Friends Forum

DIL taken grandson away

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Member since
November 2019

107 posts

My son was arrested and questioned last week, but now his wife has taken there little boy away. He is allowed supervised contact with him, can he ask to see his son as he is devested not having contact with his child-18 months old.

Posted Tue November 5, 2019 11:41amReport post


Member since
May 2019

48 posts

Hi. Im sorry thst you are on here dealing with this sitsition. I cant really give any advice on this matyer apart from in my situation even though police said my ex was allowed supervised access social services said no contact until investigation was over. Maybe speak to a family solicitor for advice is the only thing i can think of. Sorry its not much help xx

Posted Tue November 5, 2019 5:35pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hi Fatso, I'm sorry you are in this horrible situation. It is early days so everything will be so new and difficult. Supervised contact is normal after an arrest. My husband had supervised contact for over 4 years. An agreement of set times can be arranged through solicitors and social workers but it will have to be through your son and the child mother. They are more than likely to side with the mothers views as she is now the safeguarder. X

Posted Thu November 7, 2019 12:27amReport post

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