Family and Friends Forum

Case reduced from Petition to Summary Procedure

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Member since
November 2019

4 posts

Hi all. This is my first time posting, 7 months post knock and my children's father has had a letter through last week from his solicitor to say that all evidence has come back and they have reduced the case from petition to a summary procedure, he then states on the letter this essentially means the case isn't as 'serious' as first thought although obviously still a serious offence in general.
His charge sheet has also come through and there is 2 Cat B images of teen/pre teen boys and older women. And a Cat A video of babies or young children. That one really got to me and has made me sick to my stomach???? what possess someone to view a child in distress is beyond me. The charge sheet explains the 2 images seem 'old and of not first generation images'? Not sure what the reasoning behind explaining that is, as regardless they are illigal images. The evidence shows evidence of searches going back to Nov 2016. He has records dating back to 2014 from the doctor for mental health issues. He does take medication daily. He will be seen at a sheriff court without jury present. Does anyone have any ideas what he may end up facing? Would you say a prison scentence for 2 images and a video? Although the video being cat A is what makes me think he may go away for this.

Posted Fri November 8, 2019 8:37pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

4 posts

And has anyone experienced a case being reduced to a summary procedure. I looked it up and this is what it says

Cases which start off under solemn procedure can be reduced to summary procedure if the prosecution feel that the charge is less serious than they first thought.

Summary procedure is used for less serious offences and may ultimately lead to a trial before a sheriff or, in district courts, before a bench of one or more lay justices of the peace.

I must add I am in Scotland

Thanks all

Posted Fri November 8, 2019 8:41pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


My partner was tried in an English Court... What I can say with certainty is the cat A video does mean he has breached the Custodial Conditions imposed by the Ministry of justice. This does not mean he will go to prison. It simply means the judge MUST consider prison unless an alternative can be found. My partner was found with two Cat A videos of teenager's... No adults present and was sentenced to 12 months suspended for 2 years..

So sorry to see u have joined this club... Take care.

Posted Fri November 8, 2019 9:05pmReport post

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