Family and Friends Forum

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Posted Wed October 2, 2024 4:48pmReport post

Dear Forum Users,

We’re always striving to make our forum a more informative and accessible place for our users. We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to find relevant information and threads quickly and easily. To address this, alongside our ongoing efforts to improve the forum’s overall user experience, we would like to encourage our users to start using hashtags within their posts. We welcome you to add hashtags related to the subject of your post or at the end of your post, when starting a new thread or replying to a post within a thread. Over time we hope to build a base of useful hashtags which will enhance forum users experience.

By using hashtags, we can group discussions around certain topics, making it easier for forum users to find threads, topics, and information relevant to them. To use a hashtag within the search function, all you need to do is to type # followed by a keyword that is relevant to your search, e.g. #Wellbeing.

For example:

#Wellbeing for information, advice and support around self-care and mental health

#Sentencing for information, advice and support around sentencing processes and court appearances

#Media for information, advice and support around the impact or concerns about the media

Please email us at if you would like to give us any feedback about the use of hashtags, or if you have any questions. We will monitor the feedback and impact of this over time.

Kind regards,

The Forum Team
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