Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2018

8 posts

Posted Sat November 3, 2018 9:55amReport post

HI all,

My boyfriend was arrested over a year ago for downloading images of teenagers. The police said that it was from over 2 years ago (before we even met). My BF had told me before that he sufferred ffrom depression and drug use at this time and even attempted suicide around this time. However, I jhad no idea how our life would be rocked. I have went through a series of emotions including suicidal thoughts. I hate him for making me feel like that.

He has not been charged yet as it keeps getting pushed back (we are in NI so there is no laws around time limits) and he now has to go to the police station in Feb 2019. I feel like my whole life is on hold.

I was wondering if anyone can advise me on the press? I am so scared of it getting out. Has anyone not had dealings with the press?

Thank you


Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 9:46pm


Member since
October 2018

33 posts

Posted Sun November 18, 2018 8:36pmReport post


When my husband went to court, there was a journalist present. We had attended five times previously (our lives were totally in limbo during this time but we continued as best we could) without anyone present and I suspect this final time, someone rang the newspaper and advised them a conviction was expected.

It was on the front page of our local newspaper the following day which was quite frankly horrendous. Some 'facts' in the article were false and not even proven, which is incredibly damaging. I am still not quite sure who in our community has seen the article and who hasn't. I think people in our community just assume I have separated from him (even though I haven't) so just don't mention it. A couple of people have made comments to family members but incidents like this really serve to separate your true friends from your fair-weather ones. My two closest friends and much of my family have stood by me. People who don't know the story - I tune them out.

I am worried about when he comes home - the reaction he will get is unknown but we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

I hope this helps somewhat. MB.


Member since
October 2018

9 posts

Posted Wed November 21, 2018 8:57pmReport post

God I can't even think about out story coming out in the press! It actually gives me so much fear! My dad is loved by everyone, he has no enemies and this would be complete shock to everyone!

I hope to god that we never have to go through that and the ladies who have gone through this must be so strong!! I would just crumble xx
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