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What is the difference between being out on bail being released pending further investigation

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Stan cat

Member since
October 2024

77 posts

Please can anyone tell me what is the difference between being out on bail and being released pending further investigation Are the restrictions the same

Posted Mon October 14, 2024 9:56amReport post


Member since
March 2022

454 posts

With RUI there are no restrictions, while being on bail means a minimum of having to attend the police station on a certain day.

But they can add lots of other restrictions to bail conditions too, like where a person can live and what they can do.

Posted Mon October 14, 2024 10:57amReport post

Stan cat

Member since
October 2024

77 posts

so he was originally out on bail because it's taken so long to check his devices the police have now said you can only be on bail for so long so now he's out pending further investigation so basically the longer they take to look at his devices the fewer restrictions he has is that correct? My understanding of it

Posted Mon October 28, 2024 2:12pmReport post


Member since
April 2023

514 posts

That's right unless you have children's services in your life as although not enforceable legally they can (and often do) say that there still must be certain conditions - usually around not being unsupervised with under 18's. They work on 'risk' rather than the police who go on 'proof' whch you can see is a much broader word in terms of definition. For us nothing changed and our son was still expected to be supervised with under 18s and not stay overnight with his children, although he could ignore the conditions without being arrested - but chose not to in case it went against him in his dealings with children's services as the children were on a child protection plan.

Posted Mon October 28, 2024 2:35pmReport post


Member since
June 2024

180 posts

Does anyone know how long or many times bail can be extended? Were awaiting a 2nd bail date. I've heard nothing so expecting it'll be another extension. I want this over with but equally I'd like to try get Xmas out of the way for my little one before there's more upset stress and change

Posted Fri November 1, 2024 6:36pmReport post

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