Family and Friends Forum

Lettter to local politician?

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Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

146 posts

Posted Tue October 15, 2024 4:41pmReport post

Hearing the trauma of media coverage stories breaks my heart, I feel compelled to not sit back and take it. I wondered if the LFF or others have thought about writing to their local politician to highlight the damage that media coverage on sex offences has on secondary victims, and especially where those offenders have children. It's been identified as one of the most traumatic elements of this whole sorry process and I wondered if LFF (if endorsed) could provide us with a template that as a collective we could try and start to encourage conversation and debate amongst policy changers?


Member since
July 2024

58 posts

Posted Tue October 15, 2024 7:15pmReport post

Something needs to be done...

Also, the media completely negate anything judges may say to our people... for example my personal was told that he's a young man, he has a chance to go and rebuild his life... Well that chance has been removed by the local media reporting including his picture...

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

531 posts

Posted Wed October 16, 2024 3:42pmReport post

Dear Eye of storm

We appreciate your interest in raising awareness about the harm that media coverage of sex offences can inflict on secondary victims, particularly those with children in the family. From our extensive experience working with those affected by a loved one’s offending, we understand how important it is for your voices to be heard, for meaningful conversations to take place, and for policies to be improved to ensure that those impacted are being supported and listened to.

While we regret to inform you that we do not have a template available to share with you, please be assured that the Lucy Faithfull Foundation is committed to advocating for your concerns. Our CEO, Deborah Denis, is actively engaging with the media to discuss the wide impact an arrest can have on families and friends of those who have sexually offended towards children online, and we will continue to strive for your voices to be heard through the various departments of our organisation. However, we have found that anonymous case studies from partners, ex-partners and family members can be especially powerful in driving change. If you would like to have your voice heard, please keep an eye out on the forum for future opportunities to share your experience with us.

We wish you the best of luck writing to your local MP. Together, we can make a change!

Take care,

The Forum Team


Member since
December 2023

118 posts

Posted Wed October 16, 2024 8:21pmReport post

I have contacted my local MP as to why the police allowed an absolute riot to happen at my sisters home , why a massive crowd was allowed to gather and throw things at her property, why they were allowed to stand and cheer and shout and peep cars , this has left me with PTSD symptoms I think about it every single day 1 year later , I want to know why, I got a repsone saying he would look into this and I shall be submitting another email also, I actually wanted to make a complaint to the police about the handling of it but I am terrified for my young person and certainly do not want any media coverage in regards to it ever again they ripped us apart something needs to be done to protect family members of offenders

Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

146 posts

Posted Thu October 17, 2024 8:26amReport post

Hi Forum Team

Thank you so much for your reply. I have sent you a direct message to the forum email.

My other thought was a petition that members could sign to push for the conversation in parliament but I appreciate something like this this might be part of your longer term strategy.

Look forward to hopefully working with you soon.

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

531 posts

Posted Fri October 18, 2024 10:41amReport post

Dear Eye of storm,

Thank you for sending us an email. Unfortunately, we cannot see any emails from you in our inbox. Please can you try to re-send your email to We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

The Forum Team

Edited Fri October 18, 2024 10:42am


Member since
April 2024

520 posts

Posted Wed October 23, 2024 10:49amReport post

Eye of storm,

By far and away, the media issue was the absolute worst aspect for me and my young children. My daughter was spat at in school and my son, 12, had rocks thrown at him. However, I feel we are fighting a losing battle. The reason the Police press department put my persons case and ALL the details including the road we were living in, is because they want to see if anyone comes forward having been abused in person by them. If they weren't allowed to report it, it might stop people/children coming forward to report what has happened to them. Its a complete nightmare for us though and I'm going through this for a 2nd time very soon and I'm terrified about it going in the press again.
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