Family and Friends Forum

Children’s Services Visit

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Member since
October 2024

7 posts

Posted Wed October 16, 2024 1:29amReport post

Hi all,

I will briefly explain what is a very long and complex story.

I am a mum of 2 and a professional working in the mental health sector.

I am meant to be getting married on the 10th November and moving in with my partner (not the childrens dad). We do not currently live together. Both of our religions mean that we were going to move in together on the day of marriage.

My partner was arrested and bailed last week for "sexual communication with a child".

Childrens Services have attended the childrens schools/college today and also met with me and my partner.

They have placed the kids on child protection and a conference will happen next week as they are "shocked" that I have advised I will be continuing to stay with my partner (albeit adhere to bail conditions" etc.

Do I need a solicitor? Is it normal to continue a relationship with someone who has been accused of this? Any advice or support?

My friends and family are not supportive and I feel completely and utterly alone.

Edited Wed October 16, 2024 9:00am

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1091 posts

Posted Wed October 16, 2024 10:01amReport post


is the only reason for child protection that you are staying with your partner? Do your children know about the arrest? Have they expressed any thoughts on it? Usually ss will do their assessments within the first six weeks so maybe they are just being cautious with the upcoming weddding plans.
If you have a look at your local authority children's services page there may be information about the thresholds for each plan. You can ask what criteria your children meet to be placed on this plan without any assessments being done xxx


Member since
October 2024

7 posts

Posted Wed October 16, 2024 12:16pmReport post


Yes that is what they have said as he poses a risk to them (although that is based on the alledged offence, they have not assessed him yet).

yes they are both aware - my son is 17 so I have told him. I hadnt told my 13 year old daughter what the offence was, however, childrens services have advised her the full details yesterday.

Both children have advised me and children's services that they do not feel at risk from him and never have.

Thank you, I will look at this. They said they aren't concerned about my son, only daughter and they have been placed on the plan under "risk of sexual harm".

Thanks for replying :)