Family and Friends Forum

Risk assessment

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Member since
July 2022

41 posts

Posted Wed October 16, 2024 10:46pmReport post

Hi everyone I just wanted some advice so my husband was charged for possession of images from a whats app group which he joined and stayed on it that contained indesent images and also normal porn was also on there we have ad social services involved and case was taken to court as I didn't leave my husband and crimal proceedings was still happening the out came to be 9 months suspended for two years and on the register for 10 years with socail services we had to had Lucy faithfull asmment which came out for him to be a low Risk to his son and to others and Public . I supervise contact he can see his son as much as he wants supervised Lucyfaith assment have said when my son turns 7 he can have unspervisted contact the question is if we would want to get back together but not leave together will it be a problem will they have to do new assessments again will they take in consideration of Lucyfaith assment that has been done before or they will do they own asssment I have spoken to the socail Woker that we did have he said it should not be a problem as it has been 5 years since his offence and he has done course with Lucy faithfull and he is a low risk and if I was to have kids with my husband the kids will like to be on child in need what worries me is that's what this social Woker saying I do t know how the socail Woker will be who we will get in the future?
I just don't want to end up on section 47 again it was hell of a journey my husband has been trying soo hard to prove him self and also has done the course him self the asmment person also said it's not even clear if he had intrest in indesend things because the group was mainly for adult porn out of the whole group 22 illegal images /videos which is still not good enough to even still stay in the group but I can see how hard he is trying .