Section 20?!
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Hi, is anyone able to give any advice regarding this? A section 20. Thank you!
Do you mean section 20 in terms of criminal courts or family court/social services?
Hi, family court/social services please!
Section 20 is when you voluntarily place your child in foster care or with a family member, and relinquish day to day care of them yourselves. The parent HAS to give consent for this.,provide%20suitable%20care%20and%20accommodation.,provide%20suitable%20care%20and%20accommodation.
So, This is currently what i have been given to consider by today, However they have stated i can be with my children, but supervised. I just don't know what to do x
Sounds like you have been asked whether you would consider allowing your children to go and stay with someone (a family member perhaps) but that you would have contact with them as long as you were supervised. Is this because your OH wants to come back home and SS is questioning the safety of that but suggesting that this could be a possibility if the children moved out so he could return. If I'm completely wrong I'm sorry - perhaps you can explain a bit more and then maybe we can help .....whatever the specifics it sounds like a big ask of you but perhaps SS are saying that they want to start a Child Protection Review and this could avoid that....but I'm guessing again. Do give us some more info if you feel able or private message me or anyone else if that would be better for you. Take care xx