Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2023

43 posts

Does anyone have any understanding or knowledge on civil order please?

OH 8 months post investigation closed, with NFA. They have now decided to issue a civil order, And the hearing is this week. Just not sure why it has taken them so long? In that 8 month period, no restrictions. Although we did take extra security measures with downloading monitoring software on his devices. On th order the police are wanting all restrictions, including no contact with children. Which seems far too extreme given the criminal outcome? I am hoping for, that it if granted, will be solely online based.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. A x

Posted Mon October 21, 2024 1:26pmReport post


Member since
April 2023

514 posts

I've just replied to your other post about section 20 but this gives me a bit more info. This Civil Order seems to be something the police can turn to if they get nowhere with their investigation or feel that they've 'lost' the case, as a couple of forum users have been affected by one. If you put 'civil order' in the search bar you can find their threads and possibly send them a direct message although possibly one will see your post and respond here. I know it sounds horrendous and hugely anxiety producing for those who have that NFA outcome.....

Posted Mon October 21, 2024 4:30pm
Edited Mon October 21, 2024 4:31pmReport post


Member since
April 2024

49 posts

Please feel free to message me on this. We have been through SRO ourselves.

Posted Tue October 22, 2024 2:53pmReport post


Member since
November 2023

72 posts

My ex was taken to the Magistrates court earlier this year (the knock was Oct '23) and issued with an SRO due to written evidence I found, a few months after his arrest, detailing his actions at our local leisure centre 'choosing his prey' (children with their dads) and then following them into the men's changing rooms and exposing himself to them. He also wrote that he wanted to touch them. It was initially a six month interim SRO, but the police took him back recently and it was extended for another two years, to give them time to complete their investigation. He's being kept a close eye on and the police can turn up any time to do a search, he's not allowed to delete any browsing history, has had markers put on his car and his parents' house (where he's living), and is banned from all leisure centres.

Posted Sat November 2, 2024 10:05pmReport post

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