Family and Friends Forum

The wait and what will happen next?

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Momma bear

Member since
September 2024

3 posts

Posted Mon October 28, 2024 8:46amReport post

The whole process takes so long, we've had university on hold for a year, let's hope it's not another year......

my child has mental health issues and we thought we had turned a corner then the knock came in feb 24.

we've had so much go on in our family over the last two years, divorce and gettin away from an abusive father being one.

I thought I'd got my babies (both adults) away from the abuse of their sperm donor father but his abuse has really impacted self esteem and ultimately resulted in this shituation.

I can't tell my family or friends I'm just so ashamed and do feel some degree of guilt as I should have stood up to my ex way sooner than I did.

I am in counselling for domestic abuse, I'm a survivor. This is so much worse than being abused. Watching your child wait and slowly get destroyed and become less of a person day by day is hard and frustrating and downright upsetting.

my ex's constant belittling, name calling and demeaning are the cause and have resulted in a child lacking confidence, self worth and low self esteem.

Tomorrow is our next bail date, it's our third time..... I'm utterly dreading it and don't know I what to expect. I pray to god they drop the charges and let my child and our family live our lives. Pray for us please. The internet is a truly unsafe place for our youth.


Member since
July 2024

132 posts

Posted Mon October 28, 2024 1:51pmReport post


Is it your son that the knock was for then?

Same for us, my son is 15. We have since found out that 2 of my children have been sexually abused by a relative, so we are thinking this is what led my son to this online behaviour.
