Family and Friends Forum

Ex demanding more contact

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Member since
October 2023

16 posts

Posted Sun October 27, 2024 9:53pmReport post

I don't know what to do. My ex is allowed supervised contact with our children and I supervise. He sees them about once a month as he is living 3 hours away. Social services have been useless and have said they have closed our case and we should go on as we are (whatever that means). I don't want him back in our small town because I don't want our children to pay the price for what he did, they will lose friends and will get bullied (it was on Facebook). I cannot get him to understand that I don't want him there, I am

happy for him to see the kids away from our town but I don't want my friends to see him

back. If he comes back I will lose friends too. What legal right does he have - he has been sentenced and has a 5 yr SHPO, he cannot contact children online but does not have restrictions on seeing children in the real world. Can he demand more access and supervised access, will SS become more involved if he come back to our town- they currently don't seem to want to know.


Member since
February 2023

358 posts

Posted Sun October 27, 2024 10:23pmReport post

He can request more contact yes. If you say no, then he can take this to family court and a social worker either from the local authority or cafcass would assess him, likely under a s.37 assessment due to the element of safeguarding risk he might post


Member since
December 2023

56 posts

Posted Mon October 28, 2024 10:37pmReport post

I asked ss what would happen if I refused to supervised, and refused his family supervising (I was happy for it to be a 3rd party like contact centre, social worker, support worker).

They basically said it's my choice, and if he wants to fight it let him take me to court.

Could you suggest a contact centre out of your area? You are protecting your children whilst setting a healthy boundary.

If he is constantly pushing your healthy and reasonable boundaries it doesn't look great for him if it does go to court. Your request for out of area are perfectly reasonable, stay strong x


Member since
April 2024

285 posts

Posted Tue October 29, 2024 9:28amReport post

You could contact a family law solicitor who will give you 30 minutes free advice. Chances are, if you're eligible, you'd get Legal Aid to fight this.


Member since
October 2023

16 posts

Posted Wed October 30, 2024 10:42pmReport post

Thank you for your responses. It's so hard navigating what I can and can't do when no one is there to tell me.