Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2019

8 posts

Hi. This is my 1st post. My husband was arrested in March following the police turning up on our doorstep whilst I was at home. They took his laptop and the mobile phone he had on him. A the time I didn't ealise what they mean by indecent images and when they explained I thought they must have got it wrong. He is my 2nd husband an we each have 2 girls who are in their twenties. I also have a grandson. The girls are aware of what has happened and it has shocked us all. My youngest daughter was a victim of an online groomer 11 years ago but luckily we found out before anything happened. My husband said that he started downloading the images after this to see if he recognised any of the men in them. I have never seen an image of this sort so do not know if you are able to see the faces if the adults in them so it is a question I would like to ask. This is the only thing he has told me. When I've tried to talk to him about it or ask him any questions he accused me of working for the police, I found this so upsetting and shocked that he could accuse me if such a thing after going behind my back for over 10 years. Because he refuses to talk to me I now question his reason. He also said that he didn't realise that the images were in the cachet on his laptop. Another thing u find hard to believe as he has repaired many a laptop and understands them. We are still living together but I find each day a struggle. I cry every day and feel angry with myself for not realising what he was doing for all if those years. I have so many emotions going on and coping with the menopause as well. I have read a few of the items in the forums but not 1 like mine so would appreciate any advice from anyone and if anyone can confirm that you can see the faces if the adults in the images. Nothing will really put my mind at rest until it is all over and then I don't think I will ever trust him again.

Posted Tue November 19, 2019 10:50amReport post


Member since
November 2019

8 posts

Thankyou for your kind words. I rang the number and the lady I spoke to was very helpful and supportive. When it 1st happened I had to sign a disclosure banning me to talk to anyone about it. I have read some of the other people's experiences on here and none of them mentioned having to sign 1 so now I am wondering why

Posted Wed November 20, 2019 4:49pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

8 posts

Hi. I have amazing support from my daughter's but because of the disclosure I am forbidden to talk about it to anyone else. My husband's brother is a police officer and it was the police who made me sign the disclosure and maybe that is why. They have cloaked the case because if this as well. It's such a long process and I am not coping atm. I have just been signed off work with stress. I won't take anything as I want to keep a clear head.

Posted Wed November 20, 2019 6:58pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

8 posts

Hi. I have amazing support from my daughter's but because of the disclosure I am forbidden to talk about it to anyone else. My husband's brother is a police officer and it was the police who made me sign the disclosure and maybe that is why. They have cloaked the case because if this as well. It's such a long process and I am not coping atm. I have just been signed off work with stress. I won't take anything as I want to keep a clear head.

Posted Wed November 20, 2019 7:06pmReport post

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