Family and Friends Forum

What is happening?

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Member since
November 2019

8 posts

Hi there.

This is my first post- I wish I didn't have to be making it.

Yesterday I was woken by a knock on the door from the police with a warrant to remove all devices in the property.

They said they have "received intelligence" relating to my

eymentioned IP address. I don't know what that means.

They said they will look at our devices and go from there.

My husband has promised me he hasn't done anything wrong.

I am so so scared. I'm a survivor of abuse myself and it makes me feel physically sick that this could be happening.

Could it be a mistake?

I just don't know what to think

Thanks for listening

Posted Thu November 21, 2019 6:33pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi scared

Yes it can be a mistake but equally it's not. This is a long process, is emotional and frustrating but I would suggest that you try and find out from the police what they are looking for and who they are looking at.

Keep coming on here, you will get fantastic support and also trying the helpline, they are amazing. Think about contacting your GP especially in light of your past, you don't want this to trigger anything from there off

Much love xx

Posted Thu November 21, 2019 6:49pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi scared

Yes it can be a mistake but equally it's not. This is a long process, is emotional and frustrating but I would suggest that you try and find out from the police what they are looking for and who they are looking at.

Keep coming on here, you will get fantastic support and also trying the helpline, they are amazing. Think about contacting your GP especially in light of your past, you don't want this to trigger anything from there off

Much love xx

Posted Thu November 21, 2019 6:50pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hello Scared...

Yes errors are made by police, however they don't apply for search warrants unnecessarily... They also have to get authorisation from a Magistrate who must be shown the evidence or intelligence before a warrant is signed off.

As for IP address this is the unique code number given to each individual household by the internet provider... ie BT.. Virgin... Sky etc.

The police use this to identify the home address if indecent images or illegal chat has been uncovered. They will normally seize anything with a memory capability... which means this process can take many months to complete...

Please stay in touch with this forum and read the other articles...

Best wishes...

Posted Thu November 21, 2019 7:57pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

40 posts

The knock on our door came 6 am 7 1/2 month ago. The police had a warrant and they took all devices except our phones. They told us that they had been activities from our IP adress regarding indecent images of children. After 3 months we got some devices back.

After 5 months we got all of them back except my husband's computer and a hard drive. We where called for an interview a month later. My husband took time off sick to deal with his stress. He told me he hadn't done anything. He only admitted he occasionally had been watching normal porn when I been away or ill and that was mainly to distract himself from being stressed.

Then the interview came and he admitted to have downloaded images. He says he can't remember when or how often but thinks he has done it for 3 years. He blame his bad memory for not remembering.
Now he wait for the outcome. 4 weeks the police said but it has now been almost 7 weeks. He still works and live at home.

I don't know how I feel. Don't know if I ever can trust him again. Don't know what to tell the children and the grandchildren. I will decide after he been to court. He is no longer my best friend and the reliable husband I thought I had.

Posted Fri November 22, 2019 9:08amReport post

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