School not being supportive...
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Has anyone else had issues with school not being supportive and saying nasty things about you in their reports to ss? Myself and my OH have 2 sons, my eldest sons school have been amazingly supportive and have told ss they have no safeguarding concerns but my youngest sons school gave me a copy of their report yesterday which has been sent to ss ready for a child protection conference next week and I broke down in tears with everything they said. They have written things like they are severely worried about the safety of my children and that I'm not a protective parent, they wrote that my son is really badly behaved at school, yet the day before the report was written I attended his parents evening and his teachers informed me he was well behaved albeit a little cheeky, he's doing extremely well in all lessons and hitting all his targets and to carry on being good. That contradiction is something I'm struggling to understand. I really feel the head teacher has it in for our family and I'm so upset and worried about how their report will affect the child protection conference. Also my eldest sons school are also attending the meeting next week but have not been asked to write a report? What's going on, any advice?
The person in the chair for the conference should phone you prior to the conference itself and you must point this out to him/her. That is their job - and if it was me i would write a polite but firm response to the school report pointing out the discrepancy between what they wrote and what the teacher told you. Having navigated several CP reviews (albeit as grandparents) we found this a helpful way to get our views across. Sorry you have encountered this, I'm a retired primary teacher and all I can think is that the SENCO/ safeguarding head or Head teacher wrote the report without speaking to the class teacher who would have the best opinion of your son. Good luck xxx
Thank you for your reply. I have told the school that I would like a meeting with them this morning to discuss the report because I need answers to the contradictions that have been made. I have lost all trust in the school because of this as I've always been told by the pastoral manager that I have nothing to worry about and then the head teacher hits me with his report. I had no sleep last night due to being so upset. I will make sure I bring it up to the chair when she calls. I will also be spending the weekend writing my own response to their report ready for the conference next week.