Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2024

30 posts

Posted Sat November 9, 2024 10:26pmReport post

Just a vent really.
I've reviewed my teen's phone safety and restrictions. She is fuming with me,"it's all my fault". "It's all the stepdads fault since he's the one who got in trouble online."
I should have been reviewing the settings more often anyway and keeping on top of safe internet practices. I'd covered most of the safety rules but got lax and not as on it as I should have been."She's a good, smart kid" and "Bad stuff happens in other people's houses" and then it was my household and it hit home and I needed to do better. And now maybe I've been over protective and cautious and she says she feels not trusted.
I sat quietly and let her get out her anger. She has a right to be angry, just hopefully we'll wake up to a better day tomorrow. Perhaps revisit some of the resources out there covering safe internet use together.
Sigh - vent over.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2596 posts

Posted Sun November 10, 2024 5:04amReport post

What a good mum - it's SO important to make our youngsters more aware of the dangers on line and horrors the internet can hold. Never mind the tantrums your doing your bit to protect her!

My grandson has just got a mobile and because of what happened in our family his parents are very hot on monitoring what he looks at. He even leaves it downstairs with them come bedtime. They regularly check his useage and (I believe) he can only download apps etc with their permission. They also check on 'who' he chats to online.

One day they will tell him what happened to us then hopefully he will understand their protectiveness.

id say persevere and stick to your guns. There's no hidden agenda. Yes what her stepdad has done has made you more aware and protective but your only taking these steps because you love her and want to keep her safe - there's nothing wrong in that xxxxxx

Edited Sun November 10, 2024 8:03am


Member since
June 2024

148 posts

Posted Tue November 12, 2024 8:01amReport post

All parents should be doing this with their children (although I already was my partner that should have had the strict settings). So we can protect them from everyone else online. It's the strangers on the apps you don't trust....not her. Just keep strong and explaining that. It's so hard but you're doing great.