Family and Friends Forum

Are you allowed to see the digital forensics report?

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Member since
August 2024

7 posts

My person has been told by their solicitor that they usually don't get to see the report from the digital forensics unit. Instead they have to ask the police what has been found and probe for further information. I have read on this forum that others were shown the report in its entirety. It doesn't seem fair to me that the defence aren't allowed to see the report. Person wants to know exactly what has been looked at, and what has been found, so they can challenge anything they don't agree with. I want to know as well.

Posted Thu November 14, 2024 8:31amReport post


Member since
March 2022

454 posts

It would appear that there are no absolute rules on disclosure. The police can withhold evidence right up until the day it goes to a trial, although if they do that, then they risk the case being delayed or even thrown out by the judge, because of them leaving it so late.

So it probably comes down to how the police operate in that area and how persistent the solicitor is. If it were to go to court, then the solicitor would simply tell the judge that their client has not seen all the evidence yet and so the proceedings would be adjourned.

If he has been charged already, then he should have a list of charges which would give a clue as to what evidence the police have. If he hasn't been charged, then the solicitor would just advise no comment, until they get more details.

Posted Thu November 14, 2024 10:39amReport post


Member since
January 2024

119 posts

You can obtain your own independent forensics report once the police have completed their's, though as with all these things it costs money. Ex-H isn't at that stage yet, so I don't know much about it, just that his solicitor recommended it.

Posted Sun November 17, 2024 2:05pmReport post

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