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Those who went to trial...

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Member since
January 2024

118 posts

Posted Thu November 21, 2024 7:35pmReport post

Has anyone here actually won at trial and had a not guilty verdict? If the trial was lost what was the outcome? We keep being told my husband doesn't have a very strong case but trial isn't until 2026 and I'm really struggling not having him home. The kids miss him so much and so do I. Honestly don't know how to get through these next 2 years waiting for trial to start, just want my family back together xx


Member since
March 2023

144 posts

Posted Fri November 22, 2024 2:32pmReport post

People have asked why my other half plead guilty if he was innocent. We have another side to the story that the police know, social work know, criminal justice know but the media obviously didn't print. It's the reason my OH got a very light sentence, it's the reason supervision was removed right after sentencing, it's the reason I am still with him. It's the reason we have no and have had very minimal (a conversation) social work involvement.

My OH is not innocent, he is guilty of the crime that he was convicted of, he's never denied it. He had been sent images via links on social media, something I read more and more about on here, links that you don't know contain IIOC when you recieve them or open them. If he had of plead not guilty he would've still been found guilty. Just because he didn't have intent, search for images or purposely seek out child abuse doesn't mean he is not guilty of the actual charge. This is so hard to explain, people aren't interested.

If he had plead not guilty, he would of gone to trial with a jury and I would have been called as a witness, it would of taken many many more months over the 18 we had already waited. Everyone here knows what that waiting feels like, his sentence would have been longer for not pleading guilty to begin with. For us, it was not worth it, we were exhausted and needed to move on.

Nobody wants to be on the register or in the media for this.

But if you're guilty you're guilty, if its 1 image or a 1000 theres very rarely a defence.


Member since
September 2022

125 posts

Posted Sat November 23, 2024 9:57amReport post

My OH finally goes to Trial on Monday,

Pleading not guilty to possession and distribution. This has been a very long road so far and extremely expensive we understand its a gamble but feel one we have to make. We keep hearing that you are guilty if found in possession and that there is no defence, but how can that be fair justice.

If somebody printed an indecent image off. Put it in an envelope and posted it through your house letter box, would that instantly make you guilty of possession!! You hadn't requested it, you had no reason to believe it was indecent until you opened the envelope. Obviously it's not something you want, so you put it in the bin to dispose of it. Are you still guilty of possession?

You have taken steps to dispose of the unwanted image, but it's found in your dustbin. Are you guilty?

This is obviously just an example, but it gives an idea, of somebody being sent something they didn't request or search for, had no reason to believe it was indecent and then deleted the image. Surely that is grounds to plead your case that you are not guilty??


Member since
March 2023

144 posts

Posted Sat November 23, 2024 12:08pmReport post

Clarkestaff, I'm so glad that you are finally here, I know it's been such a long time for you and I've thought about you often these past few months. I admire you and your husbands bravery and determination and I really really hope that the trial goes well.

I also agree with everything you have written! I have asked people that have listened to my perspective that if I unintentionally and unknowingly opened an indecent image then deleted it, would that make me a p-word, would I need to go on the sex offenders register? I don't think so.


Member since
October 2023

69 posts

Posted Sat November 23, 2024 1:09pmReport post

Hi All

Bubstaff - this is so hard. I'm amazed you have a trial date so far in the future or are you just saying it'll be ages? Is Social Care involved? If their assessment says it's okay l, can he not return home?

Clarkestaff- I hope it all goes as well as it can. Please let us know how it goes.

It's such a scary prospect that other people can send you stuff that'll you'll be held accountable for. ????

Take care



Member since
January 2024

118 posts

Posted Sat November 23, 2024 2:14pmReport post

Hyacinth, my husband's has already pled not guilty in crown court and they have set the date for trial in August 2026. Social are involved but that happened after we applied to the court for bail conditions to be varied. The judge told us he will not vary the bail conditions and we have to spend the next 2 years living apart until his trial starts. So unfair to keep a family apart for so long especially with a not guilty plea xx


Member since
July 2024

118 posts

Posted Sat November 23, 2024 2:45pmReport post

I'm wondering why aren't any women ever caught up in this mess, as surely they must get sent stuff they didn't want sometimes too. Just thinking it's strange it seems to only ever be men?

Good luck to you all for positive outcomes x

Edited Sat November 23, 2024 2:45pm


Member since
March 2023

144 posts

Posted Sat November 30, 2024 10:23pmReport post

Personally I don't open random links, I don't add or accept friends on social media that I don't know. I never click pop ups and I have never bulk downloaded anything with any type of content.

I think men are more likely to take risks, especially online, not with intent to look at illegal things just in general but that's my opinion.