Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2019

4 posts

Posted Fri November 29, 2019 1:26pmReport post

My grandson has been arrested for a number of indecent images, he also touched his 18 month old sister, he is 17 and says he has felt like this since he was 13 years old. This has all only happened in the last 3 weeks. When it all first happened I broke down uncontrollably, thought I was going to die as I couldnt even breathe. My feelings inside are so numb, I am putting a barrier up as they are both my grandchildren that I love dearly. I should hate him, and I do for what his done but I am still feeling so protective over him. Keep reading things about abuse and feel someone that acts this way is ill. This is my only way of coping atthe moment, as I am scared to let my feeling go and end up having a breakdown.


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Sat November 30, 2019 10:41amReport post

Hi feeling19, sorry that you have found yourself in this situation. Have you called the helpline? They can help you work through those feelings and understand the reasons why people do these things.


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Sun December 15, 2019 8:56amReport post

Oh feelings19 - this must be SO hard for you - 17yrs is so young - and I understand totally how your feelings for your grandson are so mixed up and confused.

At least he will get some help now.

I am fairly new to all this myself, but I've been watching very helpful documentaries made by an American company called 'Fight the New Drug' - they are well put together and aimed at young people. They help explain the 'why'. Has your grandson been looking at Porn on the internet since he was 13yrs old? Because that would explain why he has done what he has done. The documentaries are free to view privately and are called respectively 'The Brain', 'The heart'; and 'The World'. They are also very helpful films and show clearly that young people like your grandson CAN recover from this - even though it doesn't seem so now.

I also think it is wonderful that you feel able to stand by him and support him - because he will need his family's love to get through this and find himself again.

I send you virtual hugs and keep coming back - this forum is a good place to hang out. Call the helpline too - the people on the end of the line listen well and have helpful resources to point you towards.


Member since
November 2019

4 posts

Posted Sat December 28, 2019 12:28amReport post

Thank you so much for your replies, I didn’t think there would ever be anyone out there that could be so understanding in something like this. I am finding this site quite difficult as there doesn’t appear to be anything where you can reply to someone personally that has replied to you. Thank you for the info I will definitely take a look at this now x