Family and Friends Forum

Pre Sentence Report (Autistic son)

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Member since
April 2024

14 posts

Posted Wed November 27, 2024 8:10pmReport post

Having received a copy of this today, and read through it, I am genuinely concerned about the future for my son. It presents some very concerning reading.

some of you may already be aware of my sons case from previous posts but his sentencing was meant to be today, however it was pushed back by 2 days and will now happen tomorrow.

The probation officer describes my son as someone who she feels will struggle immensely in custody, be vulnerable to bullying/exploitation, and states she believes his mental health will further deteriorate if sentenced to custody.

however she goes on to say she has "significant" concerns with him remaining in the community (despite him being on unconditional bail, offence free, for 1.5-2 years now). She describes him as a high risk of both internet offending and contact offending (he has no convictions for contact offending but does have previous convictions for IIOC as well as breaching his SHPO). She says she believes he has an "emotional congruence to children" and it is her opinion that he has a sexual interest in children and poses a risk to both male and female children from infancy to 16 years old. She comes to this conclusion because of my sons history of downloading IIOC and because he acts like a child and, in her words, "thinks he is a 12 or 13 year old boy". She talks about childhood trauma, including sexual abuse at school (that I was unaware of and feel like I have seriously failed my son) and it is her opinion that this could be an underlying factor behind his offending behaviour. She says it is "difficult" to recommend any sentence to the judge and says his inability to talk at the moment poses a further barrier to engaging with him. She does talk about him being severely isolated (and describes this as a major risk factor), and mentions how social services have recently reduced his support hours. She also mentions that he has been assessed as "too complex" for a mental health treatment requirement emphasising his communication diffuculties as one of the barriers.

It really makes for very difficult reading because, on the one hand she acknowledges that a custodial sentence will only make things worse but at the same time mentions "significant" concerns about any possible alternative.

I am desperate for my son to receive help (I do not believe he wants to hurt anybody) but we are really struggling to get anybody to help him.

the presentence report concludes that "IF" the court is inclined to impose a community sentence that he would be suitable for 1-2-1 "RAR" days and a MAPS for change program but she assesses him as unsuitable for any accredited programs because of his communication difficulties and his inability to cope in a group setting.

I have not discussed this report with my son as I fear it will only stress him further but I am genuinely concerned how this will affect tomorrows sentencing hearing.

The psychologist report, ordered by the defence earlier in the year, emphasises the need for a trauma focused approach and agrees that a custodial environment would be "mostly negative". But it describes my son as someone entrenched in trauma, dependent on others and vulnerable.

The police are applying to make monitoring software a requirement of his SHPO which I, personally, believe will help him (even though that's not the intention). But it will surely pick up on anyone trying to exploit him as well as any risky behaviours and could promote earlier intervention and increase safety. However my fear is that it will be used solely as a means of finding reasons to punish him rather than better protect from the dangers of the internet.


Member since
September 2023

822 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2024 7:57amReport post

Hi Concerned, I'm so sorry to know what you're going through, reading the pre sentence report is heartbreaking.

Sadly I don't have any words of wisdom for you but I wanted to let you know that you are both very much in my thoughts and that I'm sending you love and strength.


Member since
March 2022

410 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2024 11:41amReport post

Have you been in contact with any of the autism charities at all? Are they able to offer suggestions?

It feels to me as though the court needs specialist advice from somewhere, to reassure them that he can be safely managed in the community.


Member since
March 2021

372 posts

Posted Thu November 28, 2024 12:07pmReport post

I agree with what Edel has said. Does your son have any support currently from any agencies? Or has he used any agencies in the past that you or he could contact again.

I am thinking of you and your son.