Family and Friends Forum

Not a first generation image?

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Member since
November 2019

4 posts

Hi there my partner has his court case coming up,9 months post knock.
The charge sheet was sent out and I've seen it, he was in possession of one single cat A video and 2 cat B images of pre teen/early teen.

the images are 'not thought to be first generation images'

does anyone know what this actually means? I'm not quite understanding the term.
if anyone could shed some light on this, it might not mean much to his case but just wondering.


Posted Fri November 29, 2019 11:24pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

20 posts

This case shows how wrong this law is.It would be a good idea to discover how many of you out there knew about "stopitnow" before being caught up in the law of "The Red Queen".

It would be interesting to know what the "justice system" and the charity is trying to achieve,because all it is doing (as far as I can see) is bring misery to the alleged perpertrators and their families which often include children who will be harmed by the process,with consequences for their future.

I know of no other alleged offence which produces more suicide than this one.The delay,which the police know about causes mental cruelty to the alleged perpetrator but is allowed to happen.They all trot out the mantra that IIOC is child abuse,but can they prove it ? I doubt that very much.

If I caused this much mental cruelty to another person,I would be prosecuted ( domestic violence,stalking etc) but the authorities get away with it.

Several political parties are advocating reducing the voting age to 16,so they would be able to vote but not post "indecent" images.

Finally,it is an industry,benefitting...well,take a wild guess !..but many people are making a living out of other people's misery.

Posted Sun December 1, 2019 7:25pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

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Forgot to add,there is a very simple way to stop the great majority of images being posted in the first place,just use your imagination and think the unthinkable.

Posted Sun December 1, 2019 7:27pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts


While I feel your pain and know from experience that the process is awful I do find your comments about IIOC not being child abuse not only offensive but also naive!


Although I fortunately have never seen any images the judge described what was on there, how can a child being raped or forced into doing sexually acts not child abuse. They are children and should know nothing about sex!

I do hope you have your situation sorted out very quickly but please don't think children in the images aren't suffering!


Posted Sun December 1, 2019 7:59pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Not everyone that is caught up in this looks at those graphic images. Sometimes, I'm told, these images come up on some feeds without the person actually wanting them. I would like to here more about what is happening to find the people putting on these images.
I've read the stories of people in the forum whose lives have been torn apart for there to be no case at all. How is that right?
Our society assumes the very worst just because someone is arrested for this crime. These people are presumed guilty before being proved innocent. My husband is already guilty of the very worst as majority of people believe the vigilante video rather than the man being filmed.
I agree that the sexual images are dreadful. But there is a difference between those and the ones of 17 year old fully clothed but posing provocatively, and willingly and posting themselves.
Do all people that enjoy a murder film or play a game involving hunting and killing people go on to murder?

Posted Sun December 1, 2019 8:14pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Tabs

I agreed, people always assumed the worst in this situation and as things have shown recently there have been a few NFA results which is brilliant but has still changed people's lives forever.

The timing destroys you mentally, in my case it was relatively quick (11 months) but I have to say at the time it didn't seem quick!

I still maintain they are children in these images, whether they are very young or 17 and behaving in a provocative way, please think this could be due to upbringing, past abuse etc. While I didn't realise until this hit my life that it is illegal for children up to the age of 18!

I don't want to upset anyone with my views and I do realise we all have our own ideas Anna thoughts on the subject, I suppose I'm really sensitive about the children whatever their age, I would hate my husband of 55 looking at them, it just doesn't seem right.

Take care x

Posted Sun December 1, 2019 8:46pmReport post


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December 2019

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Lucy Faithfull is obviously not succeeding in what it says are it's objectives.I agree that images made without the person's consent are abuse but there are many out there produced and posted by the "children" involved,who several political parties are wanting to give the vote.

As I understand it,there are approx 500 new cases per month,so how is that "stopping it"

Yes,i have had (pointless) conversations with "LucyFaithfull" and while they admit they will have to look at their policy will not enter into meaningful conversation with me.

There is a very simple way to stop the great majority of cases,jusr think about it.To me it is blindingly obvious,but I know there will be an outcry about"freedom".My response to that is that stopping crime comes before "freedom".

Posted Sun December 1, 2019 9:45pmReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

What you're saying is totally contradictory. You don't want anyone aged 16 to be given the right to vote, but you say that children of 16 posting images is fine because they're old enough to make that decision? I think instead of talking in riddles by asking us to "think" about your "radical" solution, maybe just view this forum for what it is - a support. I haven't spoken with the helpline loads, but LFF has allowed me to connect with other people who got me through the worst year of my life. My partner had an NFA result, so actually there can be positive outcomes. I can 100% say that nobody had a vested interest in bringing him/us down; the police actually went to great lengths to get our case dealt with quickly so as to minimise the upset and disruption. Please think about what you're posting and the impact it has on others on here. We're all here for a terrible reason and I don't think anyone wants to enter into debates.

Posted Sun December 1, 2019 10:32pmReport post


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December 2019

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Alice through the looking glass.Some MPs are saying they think it is OK for 16 year olds to vote but not to post images.Think about it.

Some of the posts on here made me cry,the damage being done to families by the system,which needs changing,I am suffering from it,but should like it changed to prevent it damaging others in the future.

Posted Mon December 2, 2019 11:27amReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Good afternoon all,

We are pleased to see that this forum is a continued support for those who are going through this difficult situation.

We would just like to clarify that The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is a child protection charity and our mission is to aid in the prevention of child sexual abuse. Our Stop It Now! helpline is a source of support for anybody who has been impacted by this, including those who have or are alleged to have engaged in illegal behaviours, their families, partners and close friends.

We are not a legal organisation and do not have control over the procedures and policies of statutory services. However, we understand that going through this situation can be really difficult and we are here to support anybody that is going through this and to give relevant advice when needed.

Please understand that this is an environment for support, if you have concerns about the law then I would encourage you to consult a solicitor. You can source one from

I hope that this information has been useful and that you are able to continue using the forum as a space for support. If anyone would like to discuss any of this further then please do contact us on our Stop it Now! helpline (0808 1000 900).



Posted Tue December 3, 2019 3:36pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

20 posts

If you truly want to protect children then you should be taking proactive steps to stop images getting into the public domain in the first place,not weeping crocodile tears for the family and friends of those who get caught up in this industry where no one has an incentive to stop it,especially the solicitors.

The one I consulted has approx 60 ongoing cases and quotes £8500 to go to court.Nice little earner eh ?

Posted Wed December 4, 2019 10:43pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

20 posts

If you truly want to protect children then you should be taking proactive steps to stop images getting into the public domain in the first place,not weeping crocodile tears for the family and friends of those who get caught up in this industry where no one has an incentive to stop it,especially the solicitors.

The one I consulted has approx 60 ongoing cases and quotes £8500 to go to court.Nice little earner eh ?

Posted Wed December 4, 2019 10:43pmReport post

Quick exit