Family and Friends Forum

Process for Independent forensics

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Member since
November 2024

5 posts

Posted Mon December 2, 2024 3:25pmReport post


Can someone please guide what is the process for independent forensics.

My son has been charged with the Possession and Distribution of Indencent images. In his first voluntary interview he has accepted these charges.

He is underage under 18 and went down this path like many others from normal porn.

He was sent links both adult porn and IIOC throught couple of chat groups that some added him to. and he went on the save those links. Thought he admits he saw IIOC along with adult stuff, he has no recollection of the volume or what he saw. But foolishly enough he went on the save those links.

He has no recollection of which link he opened and viewed. He said whenever he felt urge to view porn he would randomly open those links. These were cloud links and it seems they created a copy within the cloud (technically speaking it is making charges).

I want to understand has anyone got independent forensics done after accepting the charges to prove that though images were saved they were not accessed. Will that help in plea bargain in the court.

and if independent forensics are done are the results shared with Police and Prosecution as well.

and how do we go getting devices back from Police for Independent forensics.

Lucy faithful, I understand you don't want any independent forensics to be advertised on the group. This post is simply to ask regarding the process and not any recommendations and I hope this would be allowed.


Member since
November 2022

322 posts

Posted Mon December 2, 2024 5:25pmReport post

We had independant done it was organised through our solicitor police were a nightmare allowing him access but we got there eventually, for me I needed to know it was never searched and never accessed afterwards the report proved all that, he was still found guilty as it was there in the first place, expert also able to prove that only an expert could have retrieved the files he was 5 images got 180 hour community pay back, 12 months on register and 12 months supervision, the judge we had is well known for heavy sentences