Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2018

2 posts

ive just found out that my 18 year old son has been viewing child pornography sites. He will be 19 next month. He is distraught but I feel this is because his girlfriend caught him and informed me. He has told me he has been doing this since approx the age of 14. I am a single parent ( he is my eldest) my youngest ( a daughter is 8) he is recently estranged from his father. However he is willing to talk to us both. I feel sick and shocked. I have tried the helpline but can’t get through. My 15 yr old son has just got accepted in police gadgets and wants this as his career and I am I registered nurse. I’ve just been physically sick at the allegation ( only told 15 mins ago) where do I go from here? Please help me.

Posted Mon November 5, 2018 1:57pm
Edited by moderator Wed February 6, 2019 10:14amReport post


Member since
November 2018

2 posts

Thankyou poster. We have talked my son, ex and myself and my son is going to stay with his father for a week or two( where he will have very limited and supervised internet access. I will continue to try to get through on the phone to the helpline . To see where we can go from here.i have also given my son the website details to find out about self help whilst his Father is there. Thankyou.

Posted Mon November 5, 2018 6:12pm
Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 2:53pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Hi Mel,

I understand that this is a really distressing situation for you, and must of come as a huge shock. It is perfectly normal to feel a mixture of emotions at this time, but the most important thing you can do is to try and take each day as it comes.

It sounds like you have made some positive steps, with your son going to stay with his father where access to the internet is limited. Your son might also want to have a look at the modules on the anonymous user section of our Get Help website. These modules will help him to begin to understand why he might have engaged with this behaviour and how to stop and stay stopped. There are also other resources we may be able to signpost him too, so I would encourage that you pass on our helpline details to him so that we can provide him with his own advice and support.

I know you have tried to call us, and I do apologise that sometimes it can be difficult to get through, but please do keep trying to call us as this is the best way that we can help you.


Posted Thu November 8, 2018 8:39amReport post

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