Family and Friends Forum

A bit of a moan

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Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Sorry to be on here moaning but I'm cross and I cant moan to others as they dont know. But my husband has been attending a course since his conviction. It's a 40 week course, 2 hours a week. It's been going every week apart from one as he needed to attend a meeting at work. He rang the course people all day to finally speak to the person he needed to so he could explain. They were fine with it and just said he would need to attend earlier the next week to catch up. Since then hes received a letter about it which I am quite annoyed about as it wasnt as if he could help it. I would have thought keeping a job secure would be more important. He turns up there early every week but no one praises him for that. Then probation expect to see him once a month but it's in the afternoon. How are people supposed to hold down jobs if they need to go to appts at awkward times. I understand he shouldnt have done this in the first place but these professionals should realise jobs are hard to get.

Sorry rant over!

Posted Sat November 30, 2019 8:55amReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Hi Rainbow, I don't blame you for being frustrated. Everything I've read says that having a job is seen as a positive, so you'd have thought they would be a little more understanding. I said to my husband that it's probably good he's not working as it would be a nightmare trying to fit all the appointments around a job!

Posted Sat November 30, 2019 10:13amReport post

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