How can I find a specialist solicitor?
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How can I find a solicitor that specialises in online offences? Google has not helped me. We are in N Hampshire.
I will message you if you are able to receive messages?
Also happy to message if you can turn this on. I don't think we're allowed to openly recommend but I can message with very positive experiences of a solicitor and firm recommended by a stopso therapist not a million miles from Hampshire and very negative of another which advertised on Google as specialist
Inthemoment - can you please message me these details please x x
Inthemoment - if possible please could you message me too? Thank you x
Thank you Overwhelmed49 and Inthemoment. I would be grateful for your input. I don't know how to turn my messages on - I will investigate. Thank you x
Hello ladies,
If anyone could kindly message me with positive experiences they have had with solicitors I would be extremely greatful, because I have had an utter nightmare.
thankyou so much x
If anyone could kindly message me with positive experiences they have had with solicitors I would be extremely greatful, because I have had an utter nightmare.
thankyou so much x
Hi all.
I'd be very grateful for the sharing any positive experiences with specialist solicitors in the NE.
Many thanks.
I'd be very grateful for the sharing any positive experiences with specialist solicitors in the NE.
Many thanks.