Family and Friends Forum

Youth Offender

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Member since
November 2024

5 posts

Posted Wed December 4, 2024 10:47amReport post

My teenage son is the offender in our case -14 at the time of offence.
We had knock an year back and now the case is due to be heard in the magistrates court within few days.

He has been into a deep hole online, talking to some of people he considered as his friends. He was added to some groups and sent links which he saved.

Beside images he engaged in chat with these friends to please them. Basically he copied pasted content from other chats. My husband has read the chats and prohibited me from reading as I have already been suicidal and a mental mess since the knock. Been on anti-depressants and left my job as I couldn't cope with day to day routine.

We have a court date in couple of weeks now before christmas and I am same nervous wreck.

Do they get sent to Young offenders prison or the court shows some mercy in dealing with juvelines. There is no contact offence but the chats are very explicit.

The police through their forensics have found nearly 500 cat A images, and little lesser amount of Cat B and Cat C images. Police has also charged him with distribution of 10 cat a and smaller amount of Cat and C images. He said he used to get some cloud accounts links and as most of people were forwarding links he did you. During that phase My son was bullied at school and depressed and he has no recollection of what he saw along with the adult porn. When Police arrived he admitted to have committed suicide twice before and said that he is happy that it is all over.

We wanted to get the forensics reexamined, but solicitor has advised against it as it will prove worthless considering there are chats. In his first voluntary interview with Police he has admitted to all the offences.

May be I am looking for some hope that he will not get detention and given a second chance.

Do young people in these cases always get put on SHPO and SOR or is there a provision in law that they get criminal conviction but don't get put on SOR or SHPO.


Member since
July 2024

132 posts

Posted Wed December 4, 2024 10:56pmReport post

Hi, we are going through this with our 15 year old too, although we haven't had the device come back from forensics yet.

When I spoke to a solicitor they said a youth would unlikely get a detention, unless they are a risk to the public, ie contact offences I believe.

I don't know much more, but I'm thinking of you, it's all so hard. Please keep us updated on your sons case xx

Edited Wed December 4, 2024 10:57pm


Member since
March 2021

379 posts

Posted Thu December 5, 2024 10:48amReport post

I am so sorry that you find yourself here. Is your son attending Youth Court then in a couple of weeks?

As your son is a youth the courts work to the principle of child first, offender second. This model will treat children who have offended as children, rather than offenders.The courts should look at what is needed to get your son back on track rather than criminalise him.

You may find this recent news report on the 'child first' principle an interesting read

Have you discussed with your son's solicitor what is the likely outcome (or possible outcomes) based on his knowledge and experience?

I hope this information is of some help to you.

Thinking of you and your son.