Family and Friends Forum

Court Process?

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Member since
May 2023

22 posts

Posted Fri December 13, 2024 10:25pmReport post

Hi all,

18 months now since the knock and my person received their charges today. I don't know what they are right now, but going off what I know, I believe they will be making of Cat A, B and C images. I'm not sure on how many, but it will be a lot.

Can someone please tell me what charges their person received for downloading images?

They also received their date for magistrates, which will be in January. They are pleading guilty.

So what happens next? I'm not actually sure on the specific timeline. I believe this will end up at Crown but I don't know how many hearings or appearances etc. happen in between or how long it all takes. Can someone give me a breakdown please?


Member since
November 2024

123 posts

Posted Fri December 13, 2024 10:50pmReport post

My partner was charged with the same in March this year. Magistrates court in April where his solicitor said it was going to crown and he was advised to plead not guilty at magistrates. It went to crown a few weeks after where he pleaded guilty that day, had to sign onto the SOR after that and then his sentencing was in June where he got a suspended sentence, probation, a fine, court ordered therapy and community service. All together cat a b and c there was over 100 images downloaded over a few months but they was deleted.

Lonely & Bewildered

Member since
October 2023

77 posts

Posted Fri December 13, 2024 10:59pmReport post


Very similar to my OH, pleaded guilty at both magistrates and crown court, suspended sentence, sor, shpo, community service and a fine. Only restrictions on the shpo is not to delete internet history.



Member since
October 2023

81 posts

Posted Sun December 15, 2024 1:54pmReport post

If they get a SHPO it should be shared before the sentencing. I would advise to make sure it reflects the offending and query any conditions that seem to go above and beyond to ask the solicitor to contest at the crown court.

For example, my person is an online offender only, no contact offence. But he had the 'no contact with under 16s' clause that at the time he didn't k kw he could have challenged it.

It is near impossible to get it reversed afterwards. He has asked for it to be removed but was told that he would need to fund an assessment, and get the police to agree to go back to court to remove. This condition has been the most challenging for us and it was never explained why it was put on the SHPO.

He had a long history of offending (span of ten years), so that might have impacted it. But I feel it was like bad luck postcode lottery and that they just added it in anyway. It is frustrating when I have heard others with similar charges and sentence get a SHPO that doesn't include contact clauses.

Just thought to give you the heads up.

Edited Sun December 15, 2024 1:55pm