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It takes so long

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Member since
November 2024

53 posts

Posted Sat December 14, 2024 1:08amReport post

I wanted a rant to be honest. Knock came in March this year. OH is still waiting to find out of its going to court or not. Lawyer is still waiting on the cyber report. Apparently there is a backlog ???? I just hate how long it takes. It's frustrating. There's some days I can put it to the back of my mind and others it's all I can think of


Member since
November 2024

28 posts

Posted Sat December 14, 2024 2:08pmReport post

I feel your pain and frustration, my person is my son.

For us its felt like it was such a massive thing he is a sex offender they felt the need to raid our home at 6am, dropping a humongous bomb on all our lives, naturally the police felt compelled to inform social services (I work for children's services and we have minors living at home) son had to leave, not allowed to return even with safety plans and risk assessment and all we get off OIC is our case is low priority so keeps getting pushed to the back of the line metaphorically speaking!! I find myself getting annoyed at SS and OIC and tell them 'ok so your that concerned he's a sex offender's but he's allowed to stroll the streets free until you can find the time to get a conviction'

It feels like such an anticlimax, surely if police are that concerned over our people they wouldn't want them free to do whatever they want for 2+ years.

I get there are backlogs everywhere and that more serious cases come in but this, for our little families is destroying. X x

Edited Sun December 15, 2024 7:50am


Member since
November 2024

53 posts

Posted Sat December 14, 2024 8:08pmReport post

I have never been able to get a hold of the OIC at all. She gave me her number but it constantly rings out. I gave up.

this is the thing. They say they are a concern but can go about life as normal (well almost normal). Can't be that much of a concern then?


Member since
November 2024

28 posts

Posted Sun December 15, 2024 8:01amReport post

I suppose in that sense we've been lucky, if you can call us that, our OIC is very responsive.

I hate the wait, he's had his voluntary interview 2 weeks ago and his case has still not been presented to CPS for charges. Solicitor told my son that he has a current case and they've been waiting over a year just to get to court. My argument is that if he is going to receive a custodial sentence then by that point of waiting he would of likely been released from prison without all this waiting, anxiety, stress and everything else that comes with it, I canh honestly see why suicide is attempted!

But all the while we are expected to carry on as normal with all of this hanging over our heads x x