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SS and school

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Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

130 posts

Posted Wed December 18, 2024 7:21amReport post

Morning my friends,

Can anyone help me understand what happens when SS get involved with the safeguarding lead at the school. How much information do they give them about the case? Will I be asked in for a meeting? Will they definitely want to speak to the kids - or as my OH doesn't live with us will that make a difference? I live in a small close village community, the headteacher is brilliant and I have a huge amount of respect for him, but fear I'll be judged. I only live round the corner from the school, will this mean my OH will no longer be able to visit my address when they found out he's on the SOR?

Any advice, experiences and thoughts welcomed xx

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1091 posts

Posted Wed December 18, 2024 10:21amReport post

Hi, what stage are you at? If you're at investigation stage the school will receive pretty minimal information. If your OH has been charged they will likely be told what he has been charged with. Ss informed the safeguarding lead at my sons school but school never called me in. It was during covid so we were put on a list for a welfare check in call either weekly or fortnightly, I can't remember but it was a very basic how is everyone coping with being at home nothing about ss involvement etc.

I have had interactions with my daughters school since she started in September but thankfully they've been rational and dad is allowed on the premises with me supervising. A massive part of safeguarding is confidentiality so regardless of whether everyone knows everyone in the village it should remain confidential. I hope this puts your mind at ease xxx

Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

130 posts

Posted Wed December 18, 2024 4:35pmReport post

That's very reassuring thank you. My OH received charges end of November but we've not heard anything as yet, no contact at all from SS although equally and curiously he's never been asked about his relationship status since his initial arrest. He has ADHD and sub threshold autism so isn't great at dealing with stressful situations and clams up, so unless he was asked to inform in the future diring the time of his arrest, I'm just not sure and he's adamant he wasn't.

Our story although isn't unique I know it might be rarer, in that we met a couple of months after his arrest. He was totally upfront with me, told me on our second date because we knew we'd found something special. That was 15 months ago. He only met my children (my choice) after being together 6 months and after I had heard/seen the outcome of a psychological assessment, accompanied him to Leeds to complete the Safer Lives programme and also hearing the thoughts of his specialist sex addiction counsellor and the solicitor. Over time he has spent a bit more time at mine, but not excessively because we want to spend time together, just the two of us - not with kids in tow! I would never leave him unsupervised and he has never stayed overnight with them in the house. He has been hugely respectful of my boundaries and never behaved or said anything that would be cause for concern.

During the last 15 months with all interactions with the police - all of which I have attended with him, the OIC hasn't asked who I was or what our relationship status was - even though it's obvious we're a couple. My OH has never been asked about new relationships or told that he needed to notify anyone if he was. So as far as we were aware - if we were abiding by the bail conditions and I was managing things safely, and of course as he doesn't live with me, then we thought that's why SS wouldn't need to be involved.

Fast forward to today, charged end of November and then gave his guilty plea and signed on the SOR on 5 December. He's still waiting for the police to do their follow up visit from the SOR, which is when we know SS will need to make contact as he will obviously tell them that he spends time at my address. That hasn't happened yet and we're creeping ever closer to Christmas. I'll be attending his probation interview on the 23rd with him so again (now that he'll have a probation officer assigned) that might be when it happens.

So that's where we are ....I've been in limbo deciding whether to reach out to SS in advance or just wait for the process to kick in. I know I've not done anything wrong, but it does feel as though (from what I'm reading here) that things should probably have been picked up by now.



Member since
November 2024

123 posts

Posted Wed December 18, 2024 9:13pmReport post

Personally I'd strongly advise you contact social services yourself and inform them, if they get told by someone else that could look worse on you further down the line. Or atleast disclose it to the police otherwise they may accuse you of hiding it. Other than that the school have been pretty relaxed to be fair they know everything but they have no concerns about the children. Social services on the other hand, complete new ball game hahaha

Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

130 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2024 6:59pmReport post

Yes I think that might be wise, we'll speak to the probation service on Monday and explain we were expecting to be contacted after he'd registered on the SOR but haven't heard anything yet and wanted to have the discussion to find out what we need to do from here. Thank you ! Xx

Edited Fri December 20, 2024 8:13am


Member since
July 2023

108 posts

Posted Fri December 27, 2024 10:50pmReport post

We were highly suggested by SS we should go on a child in need (CIN) plan when he was arrested as that would be the only chance to reassess bail etc so therefore there were monthly meetings with the safeguarding lead (who was also the head).... they were terrible for me but I also went into see the head on my own and she was AMAZING as had been through this before as therefore soooo supportive to me. She knew this was nothing to do with me...... now we have been off CIN for over a year we haven't spoken again but he hasn't been to court either yet so I feel I should book another meeting to share where I am at with her as once it does go to court then SS will be back suggesting CIN again based off everything I have read here if you ever want unsupervised contact.

Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

130 posts

Posted Sun December 29, 2024 1:13pmReport post

Really helpful thank you. I just want to keep my children safe from press fallout now, so many poor children affected by this type of crime needlessly. I understand the rationale to report in case anyone else comes forward, but for me that's a poor argument, considering it's a complete lottery as to which offences are published!

My OH was told by probation he has a 4.9% chance of reoffending, yet still classed as medium risk - I assume so that probation can evidence their impact when he starts working with them! I do wonder what the % would need to be for a categorisation of low risk!?

update: visit from PPU today went well, again the officer said he could tell my OH was low risk, but would start off as medium risk. I simply don't get it, except as mentioned above it's so the services can evidence their impact!? Suggestions on a postcard! X

Edited Sun December 29, 2024 4:08pm


Member since
July 2022

574 posts

Posted Sun December 29, 2024 7:22pmReport post

I have a friend who is a former senior probation officer and who also worked as an ofsted inspector for CPS and probation and she told me that nobody is ever classed as low risk (even if the likelihood of reoffending is nil )because it boats the probation figures .

Eye of storm

Member since
May 2024

130 posts

Posted Mon December 30, 2024 9:22amReport post

Hi Seaside, thought that would be the case, thank you for clarifying.
I still believe with better advice we could have gone for a not guilty plea (by having an independent forensics check) as there seems to be very little actual evidence IMO, which makes the whole unfairness of all of this even more amplified.

The pressure is so immense and the law complex and scary, we've made decisions based on our solicitors advice and limited finances. Prosecutors should have more robust checks and thresholds on their forensic evidence ....this complacency (and mantra of prosecution at all costs) is ruining so many people's lives! X