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monitoring apps

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Member since
March 2024

60 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2024 11:25amReport post

Hello everyone

has anyone used the app called "accountable2you"? and how do you find it?

My other half is still using the "brick" phone that he was given by police and we dont want to ask if there is a chance of any devices back until after he is sentenced next month (we dont want the devices back as such but just his work laptop that obviously belongs to his work and was all company laptops were monitored anyway via his company so there wouldnt of been anything on there) .

he deleted all social media which although he was told he could still use and never been any restrictions via that, he said hed spent so long without them that he felt better mentally for not using it and it also stops any accustations that could arrise (recently his ppu officer had told him that noone on the SOR can rehabilate and how do they know that he hasnt done it before and not been caught etc which is horrendous attitude for someone who is supposed to support and help but enough about that)

he has wanted a better phone for a while now and is so scared to get one because he dont want them to think hes doing something he isnt etc and he simply wants to be able to use his autheticator for work as its quicker to log in etc and to be able to video call the children properly. He is so paranoid that fingers will be pointed and hes explained that even though he understands why etc and that he could get shpo which would monitor things anyway

however he wants to be able to prove to me and family that he is remorseful etc and he knows there is trust between us regards to phones etc thst needs to be built up. Hes heard about accountable2you and although hes not decided in whther he should get a phone, we are at the point of discussing it.

if you have had it, does it work and is it affective? i hate the fact that id have to feel the need to "monitor" a grown man but at the same time that comes part of his punishment, trust building and to also protect himself for any accustations from everyone including myself (parnaoia and trauma based from all this from my side of things).
Hes got no restictions in getting a phone, he uses his dads tablet just to zoom call only and he has his games console to stop boredom when he aint working which he dont have online gaming etc and ppu just werent intrested, they have said to him he can get any devices he wants, and if he gets a shpo then depending on his conditions regards to that, is what will happen going forward. I dont want him to be scared in getting a phone that will be able to help him with also staying in contact with the few friends who do know about this and who will be a big support for him too, to be able to work more better with work and after 13 months of having this "brick" phone , i dont want him to feel he cant.

i am thankful he has approached me in regards to this monitoring app and i just want to see peoples experiences with this xx


Member since
September 2024

95 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2024 6:19pmReport post

I can't answer your question but I've looked at this app too - I'd be interested to know if anyone has any experience of it as well


Member since
May 2024

31 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2024 7:09pmReport post


Yes me and my partner use

It's very good. You can set your own words to flag up as well as the ones it has built in anyway.

You can set it different strict levels.

And get it to text you when the is a flag etc

Have been using it for nearly 2 years and has been great.

Would definitely reccomended it.

However be aware that it doesn't work very well with iphones as apple protect a lot more data then android does so i would reccomend your partner get an android.

Edited Thu December 19, 2024 7:10pm


Member since
September 2024

95 posts

Posted Thu December 19, 2024 9:23pmReport post

That's interesting thanks - my OH has an iPhone so it may not be the best app for us x

Lonely & Bewildered

Member since
October 2023

77 posts

Posted Fri December 20, 2024 8:30amReport post


My OH has EverAccountable, we pay yearly for it. I get an alert and a weekly report. I did check it every day but now, had it over a year, I normally just check the report. I find it easy to use but it does highlight a lot, example being OH was searching for a name of a film and it brought up an image of Halle Berry in a bikini so that was flagged. I can also check every single website he has used and at what time. My OH offending was late at night, so no devices in bedroom etc.

Please feel free to message me if you want any more details. Xxx