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ss, pregnancy, where can u get support

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Member since
September 2022

44 posts

Posted Sat December 21, 2024 2:41pmReport post

I'm only 48hrs from the knock, I'm 32 weeks pregnant and there are complications meaning I'm not likely to be left past 37 weeks.

I've had a brief chat with a social worker as I have a 16yr old who obviously needs to be safeguarded. Police initially told me at bail that they saw my partner as a very low risk to my son and stated they found nothing immediately on the devices but they were being sent for forensics. I wasn't told his exact bail conditions but social services did read them out to me and said they would stick with those regardless because it's a police matter.

The bail conditions certainly said no contact with children under 18 and not to be residing/sleeping at our home where my son lives. All of this is fine although my partner was told it was likely to be dropped until baby arrives by police and he is obviously eager to be home for Xmas.

I'm trying to just do what ss want, whatever gives less risk, whatever is needed but I can't help feel judged and lied too.

I was told during a brief conversation that I should let my child's biological father know because he would be very unhappy finding out elsewhere. If they had looked at past involvement they would see I have an indefinite injunction, he would find pleasure in making sure everyone in our town knew about this despite there currently being no conviction. They would have seen the 2 year cin placed on my 3 children when their father was accused of being in a realitionship with a 15 year old who was only 3 years older than our eldest child. My daughters are horrified that I've been given this advice.

I was advised I should have no contact with partner at all. asked in a very cruel manner "who will your birth partner be because there's no way the hospital will allow him there with babies around"

In the next breath she was asking was supervising his contact something I'd be comfortable with because he'd obviously expect to see his child.

I know these social workers don't trust the emotional mothers and I was really struggling with that call. 24hrs after his arrest, I'd explained the day before that I had a hospital appointment that day so would need her to call I the afternoon. she called 30minutes before my appointment and had me in tears, then called back 3 times while I was trying to talk to my Dr I had to silence my phone.

I have a feeling for the sake of my unborn child I'm having to have to cut all ties and it just feels so lonely. who supports us? why am I expected to not be utterly heartbroken? things are just gonna get so much harder and I just don't know where I'll get the strength


Member since
February 2023

128 posts

Posted Sun December 29, 2024 11:55amReport post

Hi I wish you a safe delivery to start with.

The most important thing right now is to health and wellbeing of your baby and yourself so you can take care of your baby as you will be a single mother for the foreseeable. It's really hard and I have no specific advise.

Social worker could supervise dad's contact, could be OK with you supervising contact or could be OK if there was you as well as a family member. In my experience with SS they would much prefer you break up, and seize contact that way the risk is eliminated ,because they can't do that for you - they do bully.

Your hospital will have a safeguarding midwife who could run you through the requirements of the hospital for him to be present at birth and you should be given an enhanced health visitor but I'm afraid these services are not to support to you, they will watch the words that leave your mouth, and check your bond, care levels and see if you are coping, and if your baby is safe in your care.

I find my heart break was somewhat lessened when I met my baby and I am just really busy nowadays doing everything by myself.

I hope you have family and friends whom you could disclose the events to and would provide support to you.

Edited Sun December 29, 2024 11:56am