Family and Friends Forum

Pre Charge Bail

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Member since
March 2024

4 posts

My parent was arrested in March and has since been released on pre charge bail. It has been repeatedly extended and has now been extended to the year mark. From experience, does this mean that they have sufficient evidence to get the courts to extend? Surely they can't extend just because they haven't got around to investigating? I am so unsure. I do not speak to the individual because I have a young child and another one on the way. My mum is in complete denial and is acting like everything is okay. Just hoping for some insight into how they can keep extending? Thankyou.

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 9:33amReport post


Member since
December 2024

68 posts

From what I understand and I might be wrong pre charge bail can only be extended up to 12 months,

first three months authorised by a Sargent

3-6 months authorised by an inspector

6-9 months authorised by a superintendent

9-12 months authorised by a magistrate

At the 12 month mark a decision has to be made to either no further action, release under investigation (in which case any bail conditions cease to be enforcable) or charge.

Extending the bail can mean that the police and CPS want more time to build strong case before charging or it could mean that they haven't found any/sufficient evidence to warrant a charge and want more time to look for it (usually in our sort of cases means the digital forensics havent been undertaken yet). It could also be that the investigation has been deemed low priority and other more serious cases are being worked on first.

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 1:50pm
Edited Mon December 23, 2024 2:18pmReport post

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