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First hearing the week of Christmas

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Hopeful Heart

Member since
December 2024

18 posts

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 9:24amReport post

Hi everyone, this is my 1st post, but I've been on here for months.

This group is absolutely amazing. I've cried many times reading everyone else's story & heartache.

We got the knock 4 months ago in Aug.

Our whole house and all devices were searched and checked and 12 weeks later my husband was arrested as 1 image from 2022 was found on his mobile. He categorically denies any knowledge of this and was as shocked and upset as I was.

OIC says he's no threat to my kids, he's low risk level and was allowed home. We were allowed to go on our planned Christmas holiday ( infact they worked his 1st court hearing around our holiday dates)?

No SS have been involved. In his interview, he declined a lawyer as he didn't think he needed one as he had nothing to hide, he told the whole truth and has been very forthcoming to all requests and questions...I should add,hes also never been in trouble before.

So his 1st court hearing will be next week, we have got a lawyer now. I'm praying this is all a huge misunderstanding and the case is dismissed . It's all very bizarre. I've been through hell and back,painting on a smiley face to the world but inside I'm crumbling.

Please send positive vibes my way.

I'll keep you updated


Member since
September 2024

215 posts

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 10:48amReport post

I'm so sorry. What an awful thing to be going through at this time of year. Have they told you the nature of the single picture? Remarkable that a caution isn't being offered in this instance.

Hopeful Heart

Member since
December 2024

18 posts

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 11:44amReport post

Hi Losingit ,

Thank you very much for your reply,

Yes we were told the nature of the picture is an IIoc. He was charged because he was the only user of that mobile phone in 2022.

Our lawyers words were that the best case scenario will be that the case will be dismissed after reading the evidence. If not he can get his own cyber forensics to see how this has come about.

My husband has been suicidal & the emotional rollercoaster we have gone through is something I wouldn't put on my worst enemy.

I feel so much for everyone going through this, I know my case seems not half as bad of others I have read, but I've definitely been through every emotion possible.

I'm a happy go lucky, bubbly person but I've never felt a loneliness like it. It's not the sort of problem you can ask your friends for help either! We live in a very small town, which I feel makes everything so much worse if this case went rurther.


Member since
September 2024

215 posts

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 12:10pmReport post

It's incredibly isolating, with few who understand even if you do talk to them. Hopefully it it's a Cat B or C and not very young it will get dismissed. Independent forensics may be worth if it can show it was unsolicited, not searched for, automatic download etc.

What was the reason given for the original search of the house? They must have been triggered by an upload or something like that.

Edited Mon December 23, 2024 12:14pm

Hopeful Heart

Member since
December 2024

18 posts

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 3:40pmReport post

Hi Losingit

Reason for the search was that something had went through our our IP address, and it flagged up.

Seemingly it came from an international website and that's why it took so long for them to get it. The image had been saved plus 4 email addresses were linked to the mobile number. After my continuous questions the OIC told me it was a CAT b/c image which was enough for the charge.

Nothing happened at the 1st hearing (today) it's been moved forward with the precautionary bail conditions in place.. Evidence wasn't even looked at..

I was really hoping for some closure today, but reading fellow posts it looks like this is going to be a long hall.

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