Family and Friends Forum

Help! Character Reference

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Member since
December 2024

2 posts

Hi all,

I'm looking for some support in how to write a character reference - I feel as if I need to be careful on what I write and how it will be percieved by the court and I presume SS?

It's getting me all riled up and yes, the internet has templates but I'm finding it difficult given that this is for my husband with whom I have two young children.

Any tips would be appreciated.

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 4:05pmReport post


Member since
March 2024

60 posts


im no real help but just wanted to post to let you know that ive done a character reference and so has my mum. i wrote it before he went for plea hearing at crown court and it wont be seen until he gets his pre sentence report next month but i wrote it with the help of templates and honesty and just so it was done incase it was brought forward etc. My OH was told by the probation officer who is doing his pre sentence report that any character refrences or evidence of what he has done to help himself etc to bring with him as the judge likes to have the report and everything else in a week before hand so she can really take everything into consideration and it means the sentence on the day is straight forward and not delayed espeically for those who has families as she undsrstands the issues that delays in court can bring can have not just on the offenders but the famiiies waiting behind.

im not sure if SS actually gets to read the character references or if they have any involvment in the report itself (im hoping not as our SW is horrendous and would just paint OH in a worse way. she already has expressed her personal opinions) but in my character reference, i havent written anything that i wouldnt say to them to the face. As much as our SW cannot stand that i am remaining in the relationship, im also not going to not say the truth to the court/judge just to keep her happy.
She knows im staying in the relationship, what our end goals are and i guess its up to her in how she wants to view us as a family (as much as its heartbreaking to know we get judged for staying or wanting our children to have contact).

i have read on here that the judge etc can really appreciate the views of someone who knows the offender personally and knows them more than just the offence, have you got someone else who can also give him one alongside you?
My mum has done one for him as well as me. I am unable to attend court with him as my little girl has nursery and i darent not take her with us being under SS despite nursery not being compulsory,
i think the judge will appreciate the reference from you and it shows he has support around him xx

Posted Mon December 23, 2024 5:06pmReport post


Member since
September 2023

878 posts

Hi, I did a character reference for my person following the advice that it should be no more than 1 page long and should avoid commenting on potential outcomes.

I started my character reference by saying who I was, my occupation, relationship to my person and the fact that I was fully aware of the charges he'd pleaded guilty to.

My reference then outlined the fact that my person was remorseful, that he had pleaded guilty right from his arrest and explained what steps he had taken to dress his behaviour since his arrest including his attendance on the LFF course and ongoing therapy.

The character reference was laid apout as follows,

introduction of the person writing the letter including name, age, occupation and qualifications.

Statement which said i was fully aware of the charges

Paragraph explaining what was going on in his life at the time of offending

What has happened in his life since his arrest, marriage ended, loss of home, job, family etc

What he has done since the arrest, medication, psychotherapy, LFF course

What he has learned and put in place to help prevent reoffending,

Summary explaining that the person in court is a different person to the one who committed the offence and how he has spent the past 22 months on a journey of reflection and self improvement.

I hope this helps.

Posted Tue December 24, 2024 9:05pmReport post


Member since
October 2023

81 posts

I did one fory person. He had friends and myself to write up a statement each. I knew my person after the arrest so I wasn't able to give comments on the past.

As mentioned already, the structure I used was to (1) introduce myself (2) what I know of the offending (3) what he has done since to prevent doing it again (4) his potential plans after the sentencing (he at the time wanted to do an online masters for example).

His friends have more context on what he was like before, during and after the offending.

As a heads up, the statements might be read out. Didn't happen to me but I found out on this forum that it could happen.

Posted Fri December 27, 2024 10:30amReport post


Member since
December 2024

2 posts

Thank you to all of the above for replying, I really appreciate it! I've done all of the above and I think I just needed a bit of reassurance!

Posted Mon December 30, 2024 2:46pmReport post

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